
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:28:05
天边出现了太阳的小半边脸(拟人句)怎么写 He didn't show me the way.(改被动语态)I -------------------------------------.The way -------------------------------. He really doesn't konw w_ to wear to the fashion show. 把 Her mother doesn't allow her to watch Tv.改成被动语态 show( )the stamps. Jack will show me the phpto改为被动语态 1、have a good luck还是have good luck2、See a pin and pick it up,all the day you have good luck.这句话为什么对?不是谓语动词多了吗? 应该是have a good luck还是have good luck?1、看到网上有些人说luck是不可数名词,所以不能用a.但是最近看到好几处杂志和网上文章都出现了a,不知道是对是错.2、如果luck是不可数名词不可加a,那么hav 记忆单词的方法是什么 lie down in bedlie 和down on the bed的区别 lie down in the bed 和 lie down on the bed 的区别希望知情者相助! 英语翻译One would not even like to say that the subjects had seen something different from what they identified. 英语翻译Some embrace only shadow while some embrace the light,but the lives that we lead are the stories we leave there in the book of live. 英语翻译1.A 4.5 percent increase in social welfare spending reflects the costs involved in an aging society and declining birthrate.2.To boost the international competitiveness of domestic companies,the government is considering investing about 1 he doesn't talk much还是a lot?必须只有一个正确的 中国水墨画英语怎么说 请问有没有人帮我填一下英语对话?Whatare they talking ______?/Theyare talking about yesterday’s football _____./Oh,Iwatched it _____ TV.Beijing Team had very good teamwork.Didn’tyou watch it?/No,Idid not.I did my homework and ____ th 一首女生唱的英文歌,急求只听到有这些词.可能有些不准确 .dalala dalala i am tired by truth like anger .anger to .i am holding,.haven.haven like.all we cause are lover even kown sometime you dont kown who i am I kept the little girl ______ till her parents returned home.A. the company B. the companionC. company D. companion选哪个,为什么? He doesn't like game shows.He doesn't like talk shows,either.合并为一句 中国水墨画 英语说法最标准的,我要比赛! 有没有人肯教我英语怎么读 请给我些英文的中国画画法介绍,以及书法还有太极拳也要,讲给外国人听的要 中国画 英语怎么说 what about ---- (lie)in bed 求个 好听的英文歌 清新自然的 利于学英语的 中国画在世界上很有名的英文 补充名言警句三人行有志者一分耕耘千里之行十年树木天下兴亡逆水行舟宽以待人书山有路勤为径虚心使人进步良药苦口利于病纸上得来终觉浅问渠哪得清如许世事洞明皆学问千淘万漉虽辛 名言警句补充学而不思则罔-( )锲而舍之-( );锲而不舍-( )花有重开日-( )一年之计莫如-( );十年之计莫如-( );百年之计莫如-( )天行健-( );地势坤-( )可以填多少就填多少,根 已经为那个生病的女孩筹集到足够的钱了吗?_______________________________for the sick girl 2.在这个地区能够看到很多濒危的鸟类 格言警句补充( ),勿以善小而不为( ),劝君惜取少年时人之学问知能成就,( )天下兴亡,( )( ),后天下之乐而乐人生结交在始终,( )欲速,( );见小利,( )人生百年几今日,( )( ) whole year 和all year有区别么?