
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:06:10
西南大学大一可以考四级吗 请问自考生能报考英语四级吗?3Q 用所给词的适当形式填空Are you Number _______(two)? 提几个英语问1.( )Don't you think it's time _____ at this time in the morning?A.to get dressing B.got dressed C.to get dressed D.get dressed选什么 理由2.(C)The man _____ about ,but he failed to find suitable materials.A.mean to build B. excel如何让英文单词竖行排列例如,order number排成order,要在同一个单元格内.number 求英语作文 题目是对未来的期望 要求写出cet4的水平 急用! 麻烦大家帮我写篇英语作文,题目是关于未来的自己,说说职业还有选这个职业的原因,100词左右, 用英语写明信片的英语作文?自己的一天 动词原型及ing形式,要多一点 全日制自考生可以考英语四级吗? BEC中级考了56分,不过,B1级别,但有个证书,写着“COUNCIL OF EUROPE LEVEL B1”这证书能当初级用吗 我是一名全日制自考生,能不能报英语四级啊!急 是不是只有计划内的!才能报!我们读自考的!只能报公共英语!我是湖南省的! 句子翻译妈妈在一小时前做好了晚饭 母亲总是在我们回家之前就做好了晚饭怎么翻译? 七.补全对话.可填一个词,词组或句子( A )A:____________________ at nine o’clock last Sunday morning?B:I was sleeping.A:__________________ your parents?____________________ sleeping ,too?B:No,__________ I was sleeping,they ____________ 把肯定句改成一般疑问句要去掉句中的ing吗? 这几句英文哪些错误的地方?Dear EditorCan you help me?My mum is cruel with me and I couldn't stand her any longer.She shouts at me and force me to study all the time without some rest.The worst thing that happens to me is that she beats me 这句英文有没有什么地方错了?等会发在问题补充``````问题结束~``删除原句~`` 找人和动物和谐相处的事例例如:海豚救人 1.We raised money for (the children in the countryside.) (就括号部分提问)_______ _______ you raise money for?2.The workers (have built many new buildings in the city.)(同上)_______ have the workers _______ in the city?3.My family moved t 一般疑问句动词加不加 ing例如Are Tom and his cousin (do)their homework now? 改一般疑问句前面有be动词后面的动词还加ing吗 这句英文哪些地方出有错误N.Scott Momaday,author of The Way to Rainy Mountain,belongs to a generation of American Indians born when most tribal communities had long ceased to exist as vital social organizations.请问这句话哪里有错 人和动物和谐相处人和动物该如何相处才能使生态平衡达到最佳境界,请发表你的看法 某一项工程预计在规定的时间内完成,如果甲工程队单独做刚好按期完成,如果乙工程队单独做就要超过日期3天.现在甲乙两队合作2天,剩下的工程由乙单独做,刚好在规定的日期内完成.1.求规定 找出下列各组单词中划线部分读音不同的 A this B nice C hi D nine加点字母是i make food 还是cook food?有什么区别? a food make to let cook fire us on 连词成句 则呢么连? cook she is an 经验cook,food made by him is alway ____________(taste) 照样子写词语 如 A cook can make delicious foodA drive can______________A teacher can_________________A postman can________________ “你有没有选择去什么别的地方度假”, 这句话怎么翻译成英语?如题, 请教了!