
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:01:15
you may use the room as you like so long as you clean it up afterwards 特别是as you like s 22.You may use the room as you like ________ you clean it up afterwards.22.You may use the room as you like ________ you clean it up far as long as case D.even if 23.Scientists have many theories about how the universe _____ What do you call a bear with no ear.(打一器官)(英语)还有两句:What letter is a part of the head .( )What letter is a drink.( ) what do you call a bear with no ear.还有两句:what letter is an insrct?what letter is in the middle of an eye? What do you call a bear with no ear.还有两句:What letter is a part of the head .What letter is a drink. what can bear you without ear and can answer you without a mouth?(要用中文回答). 英语数学1至39怎么拼写 是英文,要求正确无误, Excellent English有用吗?这个不太明白耶、、 _______ you keep the room clean you may use it 现在北京的周末英语角有哪些呢?2006年12月份还有的, 二,这组歇后语的后半句都是成语,你能补上吗?氢气球上天--( ) 过河拆桥--( )老鼠爬进书箱里--( )屋漏有遭连夜雨--( )鸡给黄鼠狼拜年--( )狗改不了吃屎--( )飞蛾扑灯--( )雷声大雨点小--( ) why the 请问,英语零基础适合学Excellent English吗? 一句成语(谚语、歇后语)的下一句视而不见,.填在逗号后面,句号前边. 将下列双句成语补充完整.( ),败兴而归 ( ),近在眼前人非圣贤,( ) 不鸣则已,( )三十六计,( ) 三军易得,( )( ),必有一伤 ( ),近墨者黑 Do you often late go to bed?改错 我今年17岁怎么跟一位16岁的女孩子做爱,这个年龄该做爱吗? Mother'Day is celebrated at different times in different countries.请问这句话为什么要用“is celebrated”而不用“celebrates”、“celebrate”、“was celebrate”呢? There are different forms of t_ at different times. at different times of 孙丹菲的CAN'T U SEE 空间连接 In winter,I often go skating.的意思 john go and winter peter often in skating连成句子 人在各个年龄段的表达举个例子:百岁老人“期颐” 在这里的都是什么年龄段的人? 如何培养幼儿口语表达能力 "Do you often go swimming?"he asked his students.改宾语从句 A:do you often ( )in winter?B:yes ,i do a,A:do you often ( )in winter?B:yes ,i doa,go swim b,goes swimc,go swimming d,goes swimming What do you often do in winter in Beijing?怎么回答 写短文.题目是what do you often do in winter?.提到的内容:play with snow make a snowman sweep the floor go skating. “listen”的用法 “行动证明一切”英文怎么写?