
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:19:31
哪首歌有这句歌词;……我也背着个重重的筐啊,一步一步的往上爬……”是首儿歌 陋室铭读后感要求为4点 ⒈引 从课文中引出一句话 来说出你的感受 ⒉议 懂得了什么道理 3.联:古今中外社会生活,个人经历来认识 4.得出结论 总共需要600字 4个小部分 急用 今天的 陋室铭 读后感一共要有4段.第一段 引入 第二段 原文 第三段 赏析 第四段 结尾 陋室铭的读后感(500)要看起来是六年级写的,最好要联系实际生活谈感受! 居然,找个意思相近的词语 英语翻译求求各位大哥哥、大姐姐了,事后我会追加50分的悬赏 The woman who my mother is speaking is my English teacher怎么改错 Jerome 这个英文名有什么含义吗? 世界各国及其首都 世界各国的首都是?该国属于哪洲、哪个地区, 世界各国的首都在哪里? 东晋十六国的都城所在地 英汉互译:1.除夕2.直到午夜3.教师节4.儿童节5.have a family gathering6.welcome the New Year Jenny is new here. N_____knows her 求 里根总统就职演说 MP3 after much thought thought不可数吗 after much bargaining, AFTER MANY YEARS怎么样 请问哪里有美国历届总统就职演说的中文翻译? I cared too much ____ what other people thought of me.A. about B. after C.to D. of No,she's washing clothes.的答句是什么急 No ,she's washing clothes.的上一句是什么 lover ,right now right here ,my heart is only you 翻译成中文 my heart is for you My heart is On hearing the noise,he_______to me and asked what was the matter.A.came aroundB.came upC.came putD.came on还有第一句中 on hearing the noise 中,on 介词的使用. That's what my parents and me think too!单句改错 Why don't stop and have a sleep?单句改错Tom looks very tired.Why don't stop and have a sleep?单句改错还是这样改吗?回答的话有大加分 刚打错了,不好意思,是这句话 I was frightened by the loud noise .I went to see what was happening.的状语是什么 he c_____ the door quickly.when he knows that he has locked h______in it.he begin to ask for h______,but nobody can h_______.he is afraid and b______to cry.at that time,his sister is looking for him.she happens to hear him.she c_____ open it,either.w The woman with a hat is my aunt 同意句转换 The woman with a hat is my aunt The woman ( ) ( ) ( ) a hat is my aunt 还有一题 翻译 他是个平凡的人,却做了那么一件不平凡的事. he is a ordinary man When i am geting close to the door,the door opened.这个句子是一个表示门 主动开的句子.我不明白为什么后面是opened. 语法题But if he tells us that he has a poor memory,many of us think that his parents are to blame为什么是用 to blame不是blamed