
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:09:55
学完邹忌讽齐王纳谏后,你对忠言逆耳又有了怎么样的理解? 同义句:He was very angry with his wife填词:长期记忆帮助人们记住很久以前发生的事情,_____ _____ helps people _____ things that _____ a long time _____ 文章mr.jones argued with his wife .,mr.jones was angry with his wifeand这是开头 his wife is constantly finding _____with him,which makes him very angry.a errorsb shortcomingc faultd flaw 道家思想本是无神论,为什么道教却是有神论? 有一张厚度为0.1mm的纸,如果将它连续对折20次,会有多厚? (1) —(—7)=_____ (2) —(—2.4)=_____(3) —(—2又2/3)=_______ 一桥长1000米,一列火车从车头上桥到车尾离桥用了一分钟时间,整列火车安全在桥上的时间为40秒,这道题这么做,要列方程 1.She was angry when she spoke to me.2.He was quick when he ran.3.They were loud when they talked.用形容词的副词形式改写这三个句子. When she heard this news,she was____angry to _____a world.A.very talk B.too speak C.such tellD.too say2.She often teaches his japanese friends____chinese food.A.cook B.cooks C.cooked D.to cook 生物联赛仔细看了 精英教案 ,还用不用看 参加生物联赛 仔细看了 精英教案 ,还用不用看 精英教案 要看几遍能拿到省一(内蒙古)?还需要做什么?普生里有精英教案里没有的东西吗? 话说,我高二要参加今年的高中生物竞赛,看陈阅增的普通生物学怎么样? 小巷深处的作者林莉的简介?初一课本第六课 小巷深处 林莉的作者简介.谢谢、、找半天了 showing,friends,stamps,his,he,to,is,his(.) He's showing the stamps to his friend的同意句如题 把his,is,to,he,showing,friend,his,stamps.连成一句话. The boy is his stamps his friends .A.showing ; to B.show ; to C.showing ; for 选什么? 已知心电图记录仪的出纸速度(纸带移动的速度)是2.5cm/s,已知心电图记录仪的出纸速度(纸带移动的速度)是2.5cm/s,如图所示是仪器记录下来的某人的心电图,图中每个小方格的边长为0.5cm1.由 已知心电图记录仪的出纸速度(纸带移动的速度)是2.5cm/s,如图所示是仪器记录下来已知心电图记录仪的出纸速度(纸带移动的速度)是2.5cm/s,如图所示是仪器记录下来的某人的心电图,图中 林莉(小巷深处)文章的中心是什么啊?“瞎眼母亲”是什么印象?难道母亲就不责怪女儿吗 南方地区分布最普遍的水果是什么?》》》 热带,亚热带的华南地区的水果是什么? 我国亚热带有哪些水果 ppt演示方式 ,投影仪上是大屏幻灯片显示,电脑可视图下一页内容的那种,是怎么设置的? 英语好的来啊啊啊(你敢向上帝发誓你没作弊)怎么翻译成英文啊? learning a foreign language involves many tasks,and it causes a lot of difficulties on the part of the learner.first of all,the learner must familiarize himself with thr rules of that new language as a whole and acquaint himself with the rules of wor 为什么二十岁被叫做“弱冠”之年? 英语来啊啊啊英语:1. Do you like reading books obout h_______________________?2. He played with a f_____________ black dog.3. I think math is a l_________ difficult 4. I think math is a l_________difficult( )5. Old Henry _______ his loved do Will you be able to come tomorrow?-___A Not probably B Likely notC Not likelyD Probably not选D ,请给个具体说法 亚热带最常种什么水果?A椰子B苹果C柑橘D桃子 求描写乐曲优美和画好看的词各两个,快呐~最好是四字词~