
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 20:36:02
I had a cup of coffee (after my supper)(对划线部分提问) He became a successful actor and started writing plays 的汉语翻译 became actor he successful writing piays and started a连词成句 谁有YGMA的tell it to my heart 的歌词? He said “I will play basketball.”把直接引语改成间接引语 用春色盎然、云雾飘渺、巧夺天工、银装素裹造句,都要用,组成一段话 银装素裹、浓妆淡抹、波澜壮阔、天夺巧工、雨雾飘渺、清奇俊秀这些词语都是有关什么描写方面的?还要写出3个这样的四字词语,好的加、 银装素裹怎么造句 这件牛仔裤是棉的.the pair of jeans//// 翻译“a pair of blue jeans trousers” Amy穿上这条牛仔裤看上去非常酷 Amy__________________________this pair of jeans mary花了30美元买下了这条牛仔裤.This pair of jeans____ mary 30 dollars.=Mary ____ 30 dollars on this pair of jeans. it is quite an interesting story.怎样译得比较好 它与中国的婚礼完全不同 翻译 It is quite ( ) ( ) Chinese wedding what does the boy has哪错了 有关治学,立业或加强个人修养等方面内容的名言警句 what's the boy doing?怎么回答?在做模型,怎么回答 有关治学,立业或加强个人修养等方面内容的名言警句请告诉我 What l____ does the boy speak 英语翻译 the beging days of college life请用英文做一篇作文 Nawadays,many students are in high spirits at the mere mention of the coming college life.mere是不是写错了,make mention of 为提到 英语作文:diversity of university life 急求英语作文 my freshman year college life!rt内容要求有1.自我介绍 兴趣爱好(我英文名字叫june 今年19岁 喜欢看足球、唱歌、跳舞)2.一年大学生活的感触 学英语的收获 对老师的意见(这个你帮 翻译:我想我很有可能得到这份工作(it is a likely that...) what does he------[do/doing]? I provide a service that people can do without when they’re concerned about saving some dollars.如题,定语从句中,that在定语从句中作宾语,可以省略吗?如果省略,变成I provide a service people can do without...这样正确吗? a micro blog can provide real- time updates from the people they care about. 怎么翻译? the people were provided whatever they need这句话对不对provide后面能不能直接跟sth 关于开头句是Communication here means that people taik with each other about what they konw的阅读短文 英语翻译历届奥斯卡提名动画短片合集这里的"历届"和"提名"我不知道如何翻译. 倒装After the patients went into the office ,only(a doctor they saw working).这种句子算倒装么?虽然我知道only没有放句首不能用did they see 可这个句子的结构是不是有点问题 请帮我分析一下