
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:34:54
物理化学热力学第二定律下面的是答案,我想过程和思路! 烟气粉尘浓度英制单位0.0011lbs/ MM BTU如何换算成mg/㎥? 热量单位换算BTU和EFO之间如何换算?请问BTU和EFO之间如何换算?如可以请详细说明, 什么是"酶和底物" 对酶促反来说底物过量时其反应速度是否与酶浓度成正比?不要求底物浓度足够大吗?哈哈我喜欢咬文嚼字啊 ANSYS中杆元分析能换成梁元来做么,桁架结构的问题能用梁元单元分析么 51单片机与AD转换程序 若A点电势大于B点电势,将一负电荷放在A、B两点,哪点电势能较大? 试管植物的玻璃化现象那位大虾知道啊 热力学第二定律 习题 (大学)2mol 空气;空气的状态从(i)450 K和2 bar 改变到(ii)300 K和1bar.在该过程中对外做功1200 J,并向外界一个温度为298K的蓄水池传递热量.假设气体为理想气体,请问 玻璃化冷冻的定义是什么? 关于热力学定律的题!有一座瀑布的高度是50m ,流量为12m^3/s,计划在瀑布低部利用水流能发电,设在瀑布顶处水流速率与从发电机处水轮机内流出速率相等,且水流能有65%被利用,求安装的发电机 网名玻璃有什么含义?RT 英语作文以My.Dream为题.开头以Everyone has his own dream. 英语作文“everyone has his criteria in making friends”, 关于travelling或者dream的英语短文最好短一点,我要写在小报上的,要没有错误的, YAG固体金属激光切割机可以切多厚 激光切割机可不可以切直线? Don't be too naive! Please don't pretend to good to me.I'm so naive that I will take it seriously STC89C51单片机怎么使用内部AD转换 please you guys, check your source, and don't be so naive!——这句什么意思? +q在E点的电势能为负值,-q在F点电势能也是负值,EF两点哪点电势高 玻璃棉能隔音吗 What should be taken into account in overseas marketing campaign in the perspective of cultureGive examples to illustrate what should be taken into account in overseas marketing campaign in the perspective of culture.用英语给我答案~不要书 What social and cultural elementes should be taken into consideration?The company will open a branch in the west part of china ,say,in xinjiang or Tibet.hints:religious elements,climeta,geographic elements ,econmic elements. when deciding what to do,you should put into action.when之后怎么跟的是doing . [英文]Even if what you said is right,some other factors should also be taken into account.[意思]即使你说的是对的,也还有一些其他因素要考虑be taken into account 怎么理解 被带进账 which of the following should be taken into consideration in lauching the project?请问这句怎么翻译? everyone has his 15 minutes of everyone has his own price!全错是每个人都可能被出卖的意思 Ti(H2O)63+电子跃迁时为什么吸收绿光书上说Ti(H2O)63+呈紫红色的原因是电子跃迁吸收绿光而呈紫红色,为什么是吸收绿光问题就是为什么是吸收绿光