
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:51:42
Will you come to the dinner party?will you come to the party?I won't come unless Cathy ______.A.will be invited B.can be invited C.invited invited 为什么B 不可以? -Will you come to the dinner party?-I won't come-Will you come to the dinner party?-I won't come unless Jenny___.A.will be invited B.can be invited invited已知选C,请说明原因 -will you come to the dinner party?-I won't come unless jenny____(invent) will you come to the dinner party?i won't come unless Jenny()?Awill be invited BinvitedCcan be invitedDis invited 英语:判断下列单词画线部分读音是否相同,对的用S,错的用Dh_ou_se gr_ou_p[]qu_ar_ter p_ar_ty[]l_ea_rn br_ea_d[]sp_e_nd cin_e_ma[]l_i_ttle s_i_t[]s_o_n c_o_me[]s_ee_ b_ee_[]pl_ea_se sw_ea_ter Tom is a b------- heavy.He should eat less and exercise more.填B 开头的词, Tom is a little bit h_______.He should eat less and exercise more.填heavy 还是 heavier? 判断以下单词画线部分的发音是对还是错 B.lunch C.March 划线部分是ch.A.ask B.skill C.desk 划线部分是 B.spring C.speed. 划线部分是sp.A.train B.favourite 划线部分是 Tody often talks____ but does____ A many little B little many C less more 选哪个?为什么? You often talks more ,but does less . They are going to have a trip next Sunday.(就划线部分提问)They are going to have a trip next Sunday划线部分是have a trip My watch is not the same as yours.改为同义句 My watch ____ ____ ____ ____ yours. just so so 翻译过来是什么意思啊?谢谢回答 He is going to take a trip next.(改为一般疑问句) take组成的短语,越多越好 天下无不可为之事是什么意思?! 初三汉译英句子,急,马上要啊我们没理由反对跑步外国人把一个模型玩具卖给了我2种jim喜欢他妈妈为她做的衣服外国人把一个模型玩具卖给了我(用两种方法说) 可天下不可为之事是什么意思? 求英语高手进,汉译英几个句子我最喜欢的动物尽管不是最美丽的动物,但是它在我眼中是最美妙的动物,因为它友爱活泼,是我最好的朋友.她可真的是个善良的人,她说,她因为帮助别人而感到快 可为天下不可为之事是什么意思? this is a white pen 根据这个句子提问要后面是 in english 天下之事无小大皆决于上是什么意思 可为天下不可为之事的意思是什么 Take the second turning on the left How is your math teacher 和What is your math teacher like?意思是否相同 take the second turning on the left .=_____ _____ the second turning What's your math teacher like? 到底是 你数学老师喜欢什么?还是 你数学老师长什么样? It is where you left it为什么不说it is there where you left it 英语翻译 Where is the tea?There is ____ in the tin. A.a C.some where is the elephant?it”s over This may be Jim`s pen (就划线部分提问) ______ ________ may be this?池塘里有太多的水。________ too ______ water in the pool.