
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 03:21:37
安全伴我在校园,我把安全带回家为题材作文,不要假大空,讲真实的事如题 造句`仿句1我不是挺立高山的巨松,也不是屈身斗室的盆景,而是辽阔草原上的一棵小草--为壮丽的山河添上一笑.(仿局)2用繁弦急管 玲珑剔透 不可磨灭 多姿多彩 造句3用小草`泪水`微笑`写一句5 People usually call (n ) angels in white . it____that she has a bad cold?A.seems B.lookswhich is right hurry 有一座石拱桥是圆弧形,他的跨度为60米,拱高18米,当洪水泛滥到跨度只有30米时,要采取紧急措施,若拱顶离 The news that they failed their driving test discouraged him,( )? a:did they b:didn't they c:did itd:didn't it 7个气球扎3串,总有一串至少有3只气球.why 急死!快, Li Ming says he ____(meet)some people in the hospital tomorrow It seems that you have learned the good news 同义句 You ___ ___ ___ learned the good news.It seems that you have learned the good news 同义句 You ___ ___ ___ learned the good news. It seems that they know what they are doing.同义句转换 The news that they won the game s______ us greatly.根据首字母提示填空 同义句转换:It seems that they have known each other .They ___ ___ have known each other .同义句转换:It seems that they have known each other .They ___ ___ have known each other . 已知一项目资金流量为 第一年支付1000W,第2年支付1500W,第三年收益200W,第三年收益300W,第五年收益400W,第六到十年每年收益500W,第十一年收益450W,第12年收益400W,第十三年收益350W,第十四年收益45W, 初中英语听力与阅读训练8A答案第六单元P128~148 谢谢 某仓库里的桶按以下规律堆放:■■■■■■■■■■■■○○~■■ ■■■■■■~○○■■■○○○■■ ■■○○■■○○○■■○○○○~■ ○○○■○○○○■○○○○○■(注“■ 因而,我稚小的心灵,曾将心声献给小桥:你是一弯银色的新月,给人间普照光辉;你是一把闪亮的镰刀,割刈着欢笑的花果;你是一根晃悠悠的扁担,挑起了彩色的明天.把这段话改编成一首诗.家 设an=根号下n(n+1) 数列an前n项和为sn ,求证:[n(n+1)]/2 紫藤萝瀑布最能体现作者陶醉于花的芬芳是哪一句初二的很急 阿甘正传中阿甘妈妈临死前说过...原句是什么?好像是你把 上帝给你的机会发挥极限什么的不是巧克力,人生那个 l'm _(real) sorry to hear that Tom has been ill 中阿甘妈妈的那个有关生活的比喻是?我记得那个比喻是:"生活就像一盒巧克力,."用英文咋翻译这个比喻? 同义句It seems that he is ill He seems ____ ___ill [同义句} Tom was__ill that we had to send him for a docor.A.so B.very C.and D.too A.careful enough B enough careful C enough carefully D carefully enough 选择哪一个答案? She seems to be worried now.(改为同义句) --- --- that she --- worried now.---处填什么? 2006年9月1日至今(2013年5月6日)有多少天因为我和我女友是那天开始认识的,我想看看至今认识有多少天了! 同意句改写She seems to be worried now ___ ___ that she___ worried now she seems to be worried now.(改为同义句) ______ _____she seems to be worried now.(改为同义句)______ ______ ______ that she ____ worried now. she seems worried now等不等于she seems to be worried now. 紫藤萝瀑布 一文抒发零作者什么情感 It seems that he doean't have a computer(同义句) 找抽屉原理的例题至少三道