
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:14:40
英语翻译And if a text of is about the regulations (rules) of sports,then this text is concerned with legal English or sports English?-- It no doubt contains elements of both.No writing is entirely composed of one of these 'types' of English.The v my first visit to the palace museum是什么意思? Finally,they found a ____ to the problem.(solve) They solve the problem________(different) 改错They are try to find a way to solve the problem._______ 要写出正确单词 Farmland ______ quickly,so they are considering ______ a programme to solve the problem.A.is getting lost;starting B.is lost;to startC.is losing;starting D.loses;to start We are going to have a fashion show.(用now改写句子)七个空 have fashion show 翻译 Ling Ming .China,wants,in ,you ,to ,him.visit连词成句 英语翻译 Tony wants to join the history club对the history 提问 Do you think this is a( )solution to the problem?怎么填1.acquaint with 2.prefer 3.offer 4.attitude 5.shake 6.especially 7.apologize 8.proper 9.wind up 10.on her way 11.promising 12.punish I second Mr.Wand's motion that a special committee _ to examine the problem.A.establishedB.be establishedC.was establishedD.was to estabish Do you think smoking is a problem that needs special attention and has to be solved?why or why not哪位帮我以这个为主题写一则对话啊、要求2分钟、两个人说的.麻烦正反各写一半~差不多就行 简单点的句子就好~ 把一个棱长3厘米的正方体橡皮泥做成底面积是3,14平方米的圆柱高是多少 tqm是什么意思 The committee suggested that the new construction project ____ .will be cancThe committee suggested that the new construction project ____ .will be canceled be canceled should cancel was canceled It is important that the committee__about the project at onceA will be informed B be informed C is informed D being informed The committee suggested that the new construction project ____ .will be canceled be cancelThe committee suggested that the new construction project ____ .will be canceled be canceled should cancel was canceled though the long-term _______cannot be predicted,the project has been approved by the committeeeffect 把棱长4分米的正方形,削成一个最大的圆柱体,圆柱体的面积多少? Without his help,i couldnt finish the work.同义句———— ———— his help ,I finished the work. 手牵手的英文单词是./ I know I look younger than both inside and outside.如何翻译 已知数列{an}的前n项和满足a1=1/2,an=-Sn*S(n-1),(n大于或等于2),求an,Sn 在数列{an}中,有a1=3,Sn=a1+a2+...+an,2an=Sn*S(n+1)(n大于等于2)(1)求证{1/Sn}为等差数列,并求公差;(2)求数列{an}的通项公式注题目中的n和n+1均为下标 数列{An}中,已知a1=2,且an=S(n-1) (n大于等于2,n属于N),则数列{an}的前n项和Sn= 在线等、谢谢 without(同义词)俩个单词的 we couldn't live without others 'help in an hour 是在一小时之内还是一小时之后? Look out!It's too dangerous to go-----a street -------tje traffic.A.through;after B.across;in front of C.cross;before D.through;in the front of 为什么hour前面用an