
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:21:18
1、The shoes don't fit me,Would you please show me ____?A、the other one B、the othersC、another pair D、another one2、I have two brothers.One is a teacher,___ is a doctor.A、another B、other C、others D、the other3、They sleep for 15 hour The shoes don't fit me.Would you please show me _______?Sure.A the other one B the othersC another pair D another one 选哪个?为什么 太急了! The pair of shoes doesn't fit me.Would you please show me A.the othesB.another pairD.the other one C.another one ,鄙人肺活量4800,跑步时步子中等,求1500米长跑呼吸方法,(注重呼气和吸气时嘴巴和鼻子) 用高中的水平写一篇英语作文,急内容:1段,友谊是什么.2段,对人生的作用影响.3近朱者赤,近墨者黑,好的朋友对人的影响和帮助,编个例子.4友谊是真诚的,不能牺牲原则.5结尾,随便结. give me a hug 和for me a hug 有没有区别?给我一个拥抱是用give me a hug 好还是用for me a hug Please Don't Change Anything出自哪里?什么意思?不懂这句是什么意思,好像是管理上的 please give me a [cilent] place Don't say anything about [ love ] D,don't leave me!give me a hug!D,don't leave me!give me a hug! 小学一年级班级名称、班级奋斗目标、班级公约(50字以内),班主任心语, 谁能告诉我一些有关孔子的故事? 有关孔子的小故事xiexiedajia 求一篇University As I See It的英语演讲稿参加比赛要用,请帮忙写一份高质量的演讲稿 求一篇主题为life and disaster的英语演讲稿时长为5分钟左右,请在一天内给答案,急用! I don’t like this one.Please show me another.为什么用another?another是用来表述三者以上,但句中只有2者,为什么还用another 而不用other或others或the other或the others I do not like this pair of glasses.could you show me _____?答案是another one 还是another pair i don't like this pair of glasses.please show me another___.a.one b.ones c.pair d.pairsthe trousers with checks are very nice.(感叹句)——— ———the trousers with checks are! l don't like this pair of glasses .Can you show me another _______?A.one B.pair C.pairs D.ones原因 我要给他证明这一点 英语 I don't like this dress ,please show me ______ A.another B.others c.the another D.other应该是选another ,不过为什么不能选others?请说明理由 求帮忙写一篇英语作文 一个美丽的地方 高中以上的水平一个美丽的地方 英语考试作文 地球真的会灭亡吗?大神们帮帮忙环境污染 英语作文:A Visit to the Zoo 要求有以下单词:kaola,dolphin,cute,lazy,Australia 70字 请问您最后过了吗?我是英语证书那些丢了 I don't like the color of the shirt.Would you please show me______?A.The other.B.others.C.Another.D.the others I don't like this kind of T-shirt.Please show me____ A.another one B.the other one C.othersD.the others I don't like the color of the T-shirt.Would you show me ____ one A.other B.the other C.another 选哪一个呢,能不能告诉我为什么,对这种题一直很纠结啊 I don't like the color the bag .please show me ( ) one I don't like the color.Please show me _____.A.the other one B.another one C.other D.others这里的others=other colors,可译为请让我看看其他的颜色,B和D到底谁是最佳答案,请给个理由.英语试题真的很抠门. 地球会灭亡吗拜托各位大神 英语作文:A Visit to zooI went on a trip to____________________________________________________. We started our visit to_______________________________________________________. After that,___ 求英语作文一篇,题目:A Visit to the Zoo要求有以下单词:buy tickets;take a bath;naughty;thirsty;first;then;next.请用第一人称和一般现在时,现在进行时进行描写.不少于65个单词.开头已给出:It's Sunday morni