
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:13:33
广东菜的历史和特点?古籍的记载、描述?广东菜的特点? help with是短语吗 广东菜的风味特色是什么 (在莫泊桑葬礼上的演说)作者在这篇悼词中是从哪几个方面评价莫泊桑的 一道简单的初二数学这道题好像4个选项都对啊,大家帮我看看,是不是书打印错了已知反比例函数y=2/x 不正确的是( )A、图像经过点(1,2)B、y随x的增大而减小 C、经过一三象限 D、若x>1,则 What should you say if you want to tell the other one who you are的回答 1.My teacher is such a kind of person _____is always to help anyone in the troubleA Who B That 请问到底应该选哪个?2.We're never had ______rainy days.A such B so rainy是形容词,不是应该选C吗?为什么答案是选such呢? 《在莫泊桑葬礼上的演说》中,关于莫泊桑的问题简要概括出莫泊桑的作品所具有的特点共是3点.快.还有他优秀的性格特征 音标为 WDT 的 单词 怎么写 He often got a first in English.中 in English 是做定语吗?The same can be said of the other city. same could be said of you? 阅读《在莫泊桑葬礼上的演说》答题 英语翻译The same cannot be said about living on farms,however然而,生活在农场上就不能这样说了。相同的例句是:1、The same can be said of the relationship between the various guerrilla areas.各游击区的关系亦然。2 阅读训练:在莫泊桑葬礼上的演说“他的作品将永生,并将使他获得永生.”如何理解这句话? 翻译 I he likes ,he can take it,said the other boy. 英语翻译大学英语第三册第一单元 初一英语完形填空急 怎样能听懂鸟语?麻烦再告诉我怎么学会鸟语 填写你听懂的鸟语,比如:布谷鸟:“布谷、布谷”是什么意思?还要举5个例子 parts,as,America,world,of,the,other,not,same,are,the连词成句 Other parts of the world are different from the United States 的主谓宾是什么 Other parts of the world are different from the United States.请问该句子的前面 可不可以加In.就是可不可以写成In other parts of the world are different from the United States.为什么? 我总觉得如果加了In就好像缺少了 The United States is different_____ other parts of the world You are going to walk on this long road with holding hands and firm belief in each other这句话什么意思? 这句话是什么意思(Want to walk hand in hand with you the rest of life's long road,but,love,are youWant to walk hand in hand with you the rest of life's long road,but,love,are you? me too.I wouid like speak and walking on the road with you什么意思 you know that i don't possess a tv set .里面的set是什么意思 We can‘t know it isn‘t polite__you__ like that?A.of;for say B.for;to say C.of;to sayingA.of;for say B.for;to say C.of;to saying D.for; at saying这题- -||在做作业时遇到当时没of的选项,老师让改成for 可是补习班老师说不用 红楼梦中香菱的判词是什么意思? 求一款英语词典软件,可以把单词分类,按四六级,考研,托福,雅思等等我手机上的爱单词软件就能分类,但是电脑上的软件,我没找到有类似功能的如:dispatch (六级、托福、雅思、GRE)boot (四 雅思要求多少单词?和四六级重复的有多少? 雅思复习还用回头看四六级的词吗?距离考四六级已经好久没碰英语了现在要重新从背单词开始了时间很充裕 是不是要先去背四六级的词呢