
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:52:41
they were as near as early man could get to writing.they were 后面是表语从句吗? ( ) What were they arguing_____you___?A with about B for with C with / Dabout with填什么?为什么? 朱自清春中第五自然段表达了作者什么样的情感 补全对话 the english test is coming.you know ,i didn't pass it last time .-----------don't worry.补充you're working so hard these days.i think you can pass it easily .but i feel upest .------------- 是impress sth with sb还是impress sb with sth? impress sb with sth impress sb with 请造个句解释下.rt 带有修辞手法的好句或好段要优美一点的. see和look在句子中的区别Katy has not had a lot of time to ____ Nepal.我选择了look,但答案是see,请问是为什么? "looking to my eyes,you will see"这句是哪首歌的歌词?这首是英文歌,我忘了是什么歌了 He likes to look.He likes to see.这句话的汉语意思是什么 请问See it和Look at有什么区别,或者说在句子里各有什么不同的表达方式? 用修辞手法把句子补充完整小树被水烫、火烤、烟熏,真像() 用一定的修辞方法把句子补充完整1雨越下越大----------2一望无际的小草在风中起伏----------3春天来了,嫩绿的小草---------4操场上的人真多啊--------- 照样子,用适当的修辞手法把下面句子补充完整eg:金色的蜜蜂(贪心不足地)吮吸甜津津的花蜜.(1)春天来了,杨树、柳树都发芽了,长叶了,唯独枣树( ).(2)狼牙山五壮士,把鬼子引上( come/go take/bring hear/listen watch/see/look 区别与用法 好词好句好段 词好20个 句子要6句 要2个段 在matlab中实现正弦信号和门函数的卷积这是一段程序,但实现不了,在最后一句 g2=conv(y,g1);报错了.t=-40:0.01:40;g1=[(t>0)&(t 求朝花夕拾的感悟,一段就行了, 谁有朝花夕拾的读后感,要有感!一定要有感!500字左右初一水平 She said she would do it_?A tomorrow B the second day C the next day选哪一个? He said he would ( ) us the next daykill killedkilling选哪个? 中国24小时降雪记录在哪?世界呢?数据是多少?全世界和中国一年降雪量最多的地方在哪?数据是多少? 运用恰当的修辞手法,改写句子家乡有座巍峨的雪峰山改成比喻句:改成拟人句扩写成排比句 暴雪预警是怎么分级的 用修辞手法来改写句子句子:小河哗哗地流水还有一题:( )外面冰天雪地,气候严寒,运动员们( )在坚持训练.填关联词 24小时内降雪超过10毫米是暴雪,24小时降雪超过200毫米是什么雪 巧妙运用修辞手法改写句子,使句子更加形象生动1、火柴燃起来了,多么温暖多么明亮的火焰哪……2、知了一直在大树上叫. 用恰当的修辞方法改写句子. 英语翻译this communications board is located within a power distribution center (PDC配电中心)into which a power supply mains is fed. Wouldn't you like _____tea ,_____ A.some,either B.any;to c.some ;to Dany;either 帮我翻译这句话(英译汉)1.to start downloading,click the yellow bar above, it looks like this.2.then click install below.