
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:21:38
会飞的恐龙总称都叫翼龙,因为会飞么,都得有翅膀故都叫翼龙我给你答案下面有很多翼龙的名字应该够三个吧 已知最大的能飞行的翼龙是——2、风神翼龙1、鸳嘴龙2、风神翼龙 认为翼龙很可能是飞行能收的依据是什么我伴我所有资金全给他 500! 如何体会文中句子或段落的好处及作用 描写雾的优美句子或段落大神们帮帮忙要开头 结尾 The Internet is viwed as a useful educational tool by many educators 有没有什么语法点 纠错 The Internet is becomong an useful tool for us. 1.When did you get the useful m____ on the Internet?2.Class One will play a ___ Class Two this afternoon.3.A l_____ is someone who helps people out of trouble by law.4.The old woman makes a l____ by collecting and selling waste paper.5.China is f____ 翻译curiosity is packed with many useful tools 冬虫夏草有哪些成分,功效怎么样? baseball,father,not,piay,does,his.(连词成句) j句子重组 1.jack,sports,a,has,collection 2.not,baseball,his,play,does,father3.class,us,play,let,volleyball,after4.basketball,have,does,a,cousin,her5.uncle,I,my,can,and,tennis,piay 英语作文(用trip,go,see,after,happy造句) 根据句意,从方框中选择适当的单词补全句子 am is are do does1.your brother have an English name?2.The balls under the bed.3.The brothers not like ice cream .4.I Bill.5.Chichen very nice food. 请问杨敏怎么写英文名 There are a lot of ____(woman)nurses in this hospital 1.I go to the movies t______ a month.2.Eating j_____ food is bed for your health.3.Do you find any d_____ between the twins?4.We should have good h______ of study.5.Everyone likes to s______ the Internet.(根据句意及首字母提示补全单词) make a trip的造句 用swim造句 解释下列多义词 绝{秦王惊,自引而起,绝袖 {来此绝境 {群响毕绝 {佛印绝类弥勒 《核舟记》中 佛印绝类弥勒 灭火的方法 九上化学 英语翻译要求:此为广告词,力求简洁,通俗易懂!对于上次的提问,实在不好意思.鉴于本人很着急.就投票了,下面重新来!PS:垃圾, 中峨冠而多软者为东坡整句翻译 佛印绝类弥勒的绝什么意思 神情与苏黄不属的属什么意思 关于燃烧于灭火的一道化学题擦机器用的油棉纱,放在空气不流通的地方容易引起自燃.为什么是错误的 关于化学问题 灭火 谢谢当电器或电线燃烧着火时 为什么不能用水? 切断电源的作用是什么?详细点什么叫漏电? 油井灭火不可行的是(化学题)下列措施不能考虑用于油井灭火的是AA设法降低石油的着火点B设法阻止石油喷射A为什么对?B为什么不对 从 苏、黄共阅一手卷.东坡右手执卷端,左手抚鲁直背.鲁直左手执卷末,右手指卷,如有所语.佛印绝类弥勒可以看出雕刻家的意图是什么 “享受生活 不忘使命”这句话怎么翻译? Be hapyy while you are living,for you are a long time dead试问麽意思? 谚语be happy while you're living,for you are a long time dead big sale/on