
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:26:18
问一下,fine是什么意思? 1、( )there ( ) meat in the fridge?1、( )there ( ) meat in the fridge?A.Is;any B.Are;any C.Is;some D.Are;SOME2、It's hot in your city,( A.isn't it B.is it C.does't it D.does it3.我弟弟擅长踢足球.My brother is good at (playing) socc Please write a profile_____your best friend.(用适当的介词、副词填空) 一首经典歌的歌词是"your Beautiful,your Beautiful,your Beautiful,isTrue"是什么歌?首经典歌的歌词是"your Beautiful,your Beautiful,your Beautiful,isTrue"是什么歌? i hope you will find the valley a beautiful place____you may spend your weekend.A which B that C when D where麻烦说下详细过程 谢谢!~ This is a test message,to see if I could send message in Chinese.求翻译! 1the,if,you,know,to,send,please,don't,a,text,how,how,message,read,instruction连词成句2you,can,up,to,100photos,store,you,in,photos,the,your,camera,and,can,also,save,on,PC连词成句3phone,this,make,can,calls,test,send,messages,photos,take,and,gam I Hope Your Every Will Be So Beautiful 翻译 英语翻译 text the message是什么意思?send the message呢? There is few vegetables_____fish in the fridge.A.and B.or C.no D.but fine是什么意思 fine的意思 我叔叔送的,翻译成英文,用from,要不要加be. I do hope my suggestions will help.May you adopt to you new life and enjoy your stay there 无语.i hope you will help me.药草种植专业户张伯去年种植了茵陈,亩产量为200千克,每千克售价为15元,今年改良药种,使亩产量提高了40千克,每千克售价上升了5元,这样,张伯在种植面积减少了10亩的 I hope that I can help you.变为同义句 is it a computer game的中文 is,it,her,not,game,computer 连词成句 英语改为否定句怎么改 给你这几个单词:is computer game it his改为一般疑问句和连词成句呢? 汉语人命和英语人名不同.(be different from)翻译句子. 用含what和be different from的英语翻译:A和B的不同是什么? 向英语高手请教几个关于佛教的单词杀的发音和意思vjra-seat stupa ; ten-thousand avatamsaka sutras temple ; Deva ;Mahavira /Devaraja hall ; Mahayana pavilion ; manjusri ; arhat请问谁可以提供一下这些单词的发音? 这种靴子与那一种不同.翻译成英文 用be different from来做, I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. 用I sincerely hope that造句, I sincerely hope you can return my sentence是什么意思 I hope that the advie can help you. because only she please you have to around the happiness中文意思 When we have any news of your cousin,we'll send you a line.我不懂send you a line 在这里line I am used to traveling by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened.have I 在句中为什么这么用为什么要加have, I\'m