
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:55:16
the repairs,though cost a lot,the money well( )A spentB.being spent请问这句话的,主语 谓语 都是那些?为什么答案选A不选B B不是也表示被动么? 造一个句子会造吗? 英语crayon是什么意思啊?拜托各位大神 Crayon中文是什么意思 crayon的意思及音标 有一个书包用英语怎么拼? 柳永几首著名的词写作的先后是什么?如《蝶恋花》《定风波》《鹤冲天》《望海潮》等 小学三年级英语应达到什么水平? Do you think unwritten rules are important for our society Do you think museums are important to our lives?我认为博物馆对于我们很重要 它是对历史的见证,让我们这些人年轻人不忘记历史,很有教育意义.I regard museums are important to our lives,It is for history witness ,it i Why do you think _____ our offer?Why do you think _______ our offer?A.he refused B.did he refuse C.he refuses D.does he refuse 手机控制手机的APP.安卓 雷电是怎样击穿绝缘体的? Jim could sing when he was five years old.(改为同义句) Jim could sing ____ ____ ___ ___ five. 英语翻译我叫_______,我的电话号码是__________.家里有我的爸爸、妈妈、奶奶,还有一只可爱的小猫,它叫chen.(求翻译有字部分!) I could swim at the age of six 同一句转换 I could swim ______ _______ ______ six 求历届六级听力mp3加原文1078854951 历年六级听力及原文,谢谢! 那里有六级听力和原文? everybody 可以做复数吗?代词 可以用them指代它么牛津英语9A P55 BEverybody have problems that worry them.为什么是them呢?抱歉 是Everybody has problems that worry them.打错了之前 一首英文歌,第一句是 every night 中间有 are girl to call 你生我气吗英文怎么说要全部的,各种说法,口语,俚语全部哦~达人们, He 【cared for】the patients day and night.A,take care of B,took care of C、look overD、look after找出与划线部分意思相同的选项,A,B,C,D选哪个? huangzhou is the m---- interesting place to visit 横线处填什么单词【m开头】就是这样~ 【英语】__talked to each other.A.He B.Mr.Brown C.They D.It如上 must肯定句变否定句如何变must肯定句变否定句用mustn't还是needn't 工作改进措施我是一名软件开发工程师,硕士毕业,现在做的是通信协议方面的软件,才做了半年,工作中需要很多的通信知识,不知道是因为性格的原因,还是因为专业不是非常对口,现在总是感觉 维修车间工具类型;工作岗位类型? Excuse me,but I must/may be late this evening ,So don't wait for me.must还是may用在这 , something is wrong with my computer. i have it repaired.如果是自己修好,怎么表述? There is something wrong with my computer.改同义句I have 围绕原子核进行高速运转的电子,在受到地球引力和地磁的干扰时,它的运行轨迹、状态会不会受到影响?从宏观的天体永(运)动,到微观的分子、电子运动,也可以不受地球引力和地磁的干扰