
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 10:48:21
Does the series converge?If it does,try to find the sum∞∑(n=1) n/2^n 题就是这样~∞在∑上面(n=1)在∑下面 右边是2的n次方分之n 如果解答过程有字的话最好是英文 Raymond(英语名)翻译成中文是什么 she wants to become a reporter when she grows up.句中become 可不可用be 我同学学文科的,他说社会主义的教育制度是要求全面发展改变教育制度等于改变社会主义的要求,就等于改变社会制度,随便改变教育制度就会变成资本主义了……我觉得这样的说法很牵强,事 直接引语改为间接引语一般过去式一定要改成过去完成时吗? 在直接引语该为间接引语时为什么有是一般过去式改为过去完成时,而有时又仍为一般过去式? 直接引语变间接引语是,什么情况要讲直接引语中的过去式转化为过去完成时 放长线钓大鱼的意思是啥 放长线钓大鱼是什么意思 any.Tom.coffee.or.Mary.and.have.suger )连词成句 he came in the shop and found a young man steal some money from a woman's bag.这里为什么用steal而不用stole,整个句子不是过去式吗 The bus that pulling up outside the inn wpuld soon take the visitors downtown. 近代中国代表资产阶级利益的革命党是谁领导建立的哪一个政党 代表无产阶级利益的革命党建立的标志性事件是 近代中国资产阶级领导民主革命屡遭失败主要是由于A.中国资产阶级的软弱性B.缺乏坚强的领导核心C.没有正确的指导思想和革命纲领D.没有发动广大人民群众E.缺乏共同的革命理想这 what _____(问题)do the students have she learns_____piano every afternoon a/an/the/不填,请说明原因 The dress is the most expensive one!____ A would have B have ever had C had had D had never had 英语有水平的进 I play football in the afternoon,and play piano at night 哪里错了?不然问题关闭. -( )in the exam,he realized that he would have to study harder.A.To be failed B.being failed C.Having failed D.failingfail in是不是要用被动? 3、近代中国第一个全国性的统一的资产阶级革命政党()A、强学会 B、保国会 C、同盟会 D、兴中会 I don\'t want to admit you just my transience of life!. if you don't want to get into my life ,get out of my I don't think you transience of my life (Don't want to go) mash_up_ur_life里第41分钟那首“ I don‘ t want to l don’t want you”是什么歌不是这个呃,是下面一手,女的唱的“哈氏 哈氏”什么的 the Was little naughty girl?把这句话连词成句(4年级) 中国近代历史上第一个资产阶级革命政党的纲领是什么? 韭菜鸡蛋饺子馅做法 韭菜鸡蛋的饺子馅在冬天的常温下能放几天 She looked ( )the classroom and ( )a chairA·in;see B·about;found C·at;see D·for;find She looked around the ___ school,but can't find it anywhere 遥远、超常和舒展的反义词 舒展的近反义词