
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:30:10
汉字文化如何传承 如何发扬光大汉字文化 汉字的六种造字方法是? 汉字的6种造字方法是 坐地铁6号线到南锣鼓巷出那个地铁口,朝哪走?本人路痴一只,请各位尽量说的详细点,讲几个参照物如题···因为路痴的连东南西北都分不清,所以请各位带着标志性建筑一起讲一下, 【感悟译吧】傻瓜和聪明人都是无害的.最危险的是半傻不傻和半聪明不聪明的人.英文 (先生,女士).我不知道你贵姓,你的话深有道理…我相信自己,看了你的话感悟很深,真的谢谢你…...(先生,女士).我不知道你贵姓,你的话深有道理…我相信自己,看了你的话感悟很深,真的谢谢你 男人怎样才能体现出有责任心? 怎么才能表现 出自己是不是 一个有责任心 的男人? 怎样的男人有责任感? 一道简单的高中英语题 without ______,he was killed.A aware of B being aware 在挂窗帘时只要在两边钉两颗钉子即可,这是因为什么几何原理? 谁能帮我写这题英语题?2011福建三明月考的题目Dear Li Lei,I’m sorry to hear that you are having trouble in coping with the new college life.Here I would like to give you some a 1___________ First of all,you should s no efforts to wo DUAPULUHRIBURUPIAH中文什么意思求大神帮助 窗帘钩如何挂在窗帘上我挂窗帘,那个铁钩钩如何弄啊?怎么钩窗帘 我不会吖晕 As is ()with many picnickers ,they left a lot of litter behind them.a.usual b.frequent c.often d.always The seller____all kinds of fruit in the shop.Aputs Bdisplays Csets Dplaces正确B老板在店里展示了各种各样的水果.选B是因为最优吗?选其他是否也通呢? -how do american like to be called?-most of them do not object _____them by their first name.A to calling B that i calledB是时态不对吗? 感激不已!(如果过程不好编辑,建议写在纸上) We agreed to accept ___they thought was the best tourist guide.为什么填whoever而不是whomever?什么情况下用whomever? He remained unmoved.remained在这里是助动词吗?相当于was吗?unmoved是动词过去式吗还是形容词本身带ed呢?这句话的结构是?我不明白的是为什么会有两个ed 几道 题全部回答:要解释的(答题要有把握哦 :D)1,we have already found a way to prevent the harmful gas from spreading.------ _________________A I can't agree with you more B I quite agree with you 2,when asked why he was absent 题在补充里,要求正确率,期待回答Oh,you fail [ A.away B.down C.again D.backYou aren't good [ ]your lessons.A.in B.with C.about D.atWhy not study [ ]at school.A.early B.fast C.right D.hard''[ ] right''says the mother.A.That's B.All C.It D.J (1)A:Really?What did_____to your bick?When did your get lost?B:I left my bick outside.And I did not_____about it.A:How long did you leave you bick there?B:For a whole night.Now I____hou I can get to school tomorrow1)A:Really?What did_____to your bike The farmer said he saw __UFO in the sky the other day.1 a 2 the 1 ___old man under __tree is over 90 years old .1 an the 2 the a 3 the the 4 an / 3 ( 为什么要用the 而上一题又用a ,under the tree 是固定用法吗?)We haven’t seen you for 十五米高的枣树大概有多少年 Let's make_____ 8 o'clock to meet at the gate of linyi zoo. A. it B. that C. them D. this 历史智力题 谁有关于工厂里好人好事的文章,或者材料!最好是钢厂! 查找身边好人好事演讲稿材料 甲骨文的来历