
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:46:59
哪些单词可以加名词,动名词,代词一点就够啦..可不可以多举几个例子吖 with +名词/代词+to do with+名词/代词+doing 两种用法的区别 新概念电子书发给我吧~大侠~ 要深刻理解的 不要表面意思 要带有哲学性的 这图内涵到底在哪里啊 ,我怎么看不出呢 女娲补天的原文及注释及拼音. The students ____(welcome) the foreigners warmly 呀用万做单位的数是 地震烈度几个等级 The p_____ received a warm welcome as soon as he returned from space.The e________ designed an efficient machine,which can save time and material.填空并翻译!1 He received a warm welcome there and was very ( ) everything.括号里填什么.A,pleased with B strict inC,angry withD sorry for并且翻译整句句子.先给5分好的再加 1.The professor,____for his famous works,received a warm welcome.A) knowing B) being known C) known :D) havingknown2.He's the only one ofall the teachers at school ___ Japanese.A) that is B) which is C) that are D) which are3.I've never heard____ sto 为什么澳大利亚是大陆,格陵兰岛是岛屿 ___his arrival,John was given a warm welcome by the local people.A.ForB.AtC.OnD.In求题目考点和解析 Lian Zhan and Song Chuyu received a warm welcome in the chinaese maialand 的同义句是什么? 一支队伍匀速前进,通讯员从队尾追赶到队前传达命令后又立即返回40m到队尾时,队伍已前进了200m,在整个过程中,通讯员共用了40s,则全过程通讯员通过的路程是多少?平均速率是多少?平均速度 一列队伍沿直线匀速前进,某时刻一传令兵从队尾出发,匀速向队首前进传送命令,他到达队首后马上原速返回,当他返回队尾时,队伍行进的距离正好与整列队伍的长度相等.问传令兵从出发到最 一列队伍沿直线匀速前进,某时刻一传令兵从队尾出发,匀速向队首前进传送命.一列队伍沿直线匀速前进,某时刻一传令兵从队尾出发,匀速向队首前进传送命令,他到达队首后马上原速返回,当他 I went to New York last month 改为否定句 一支队伍匀速前进,通讯员从队尾追赶到队前传达命令后又立即返回40m到队尾时,队伍已前进了200m,求整个过程中通讯员的路程和位移分别是多少? 想一个跟“记忆的记不比寂忆的寂”最配的Q名 为什么说澳大利亚是世界上唯一占一块大陆的陆地呢?为什么说大于格陵兰岛的都是陆地呢? 我国为了发展高新技术制定了什么计划? 中国制定了什么计划来跟踪新技术的发展进程 He is polite at school and ______the teachers and students like him.A.many B.a lot C.all D.lot of It ___(mean) I had to speak in front of all the teachers and students of my school.(mean要不要用过去式呢) 新材料和新技术的发展应用有什么重要意义? All the teachers and students will return by the time school____.A will begin B begins C beginning请问选择B的原因是什么呢,不会造成2个谓语吗. He took a plane to New York City last month.同义句转换He ___________ ________________New York City last month. Jim went to visit the Forbidden city __(one)last month 现在关于数字,最大的单位是亿吗?亿这个单位是从什么时候开始的? 把酶固定化有什么好处和用处?固定酶的方法有那些?