
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:00:22
党在我心中 作文,800字,不要复制 3/4<()<4/5,在括号里填上一个分母是一位数的分数 在括号里填上分母是一位数的分数3/4 在括号里填上一个分母是一位数的分数,3/4<(   )<4/5.需要较详...在括号里填上一个分母是一位数的分数,3/4<(   )<4/5.看了大家说的还不是很懂… Is this ---CD,Ben?---填什么啊 This is Ben's cat.Ben is the m_____ of this cat. This is (Ben)cat Ben怎么写 The man under the tree is work.(就划线部分提问) (under the tree划线)疑问词是who,where还是which?打错 是The man under the tree is worker. 1.阳光公司销售一种进价为21元的电子产品,按标价的九折销售,仍可获利20%,则这种电子产品的标价为多少? 北京师范大学出版社 -2的2次方-(-2)2次方+(-3)2次方X(-3分2)-4的2次方除│-4│ Is this your book?( ),it's( ) It is a book.I like this book.合并为一句It is a book.I like this book.合并为It is a book____I like.我在两个词中纠结as和that并附上理由 thank you! 一篇作文 党在我心中不许上网抄哦,因为我全都看过了,米合适的,所以.今天10点前要. 以“党在我心中”为话题,写一篇1000左右的作文,急用,==我知道百度很强大....但没必要全部都复制一样的吧... 谁能帮我写一篇关于“党在我心中”为主题的政治论文?在3月27日前写完!1500字左右 例如:高锰酸钾6g 则制成的氧气设X 158*2/32=6g/x约等于0.6 假设倒过来 32/158*2=x/6g 却不等于0.6 为什么 已知α,β属于(3TT/4,TT),sin(α+β)=-3/5,sin(β-TT/4)=12/13,则cos(α+TT/4)= 已知sin(a+3TT4)=5/13,cos(TT/4-β)=3/5,且-TT/4 已知sin(TT/4+x)=5/13,0 已知cosa=3/5,且a为锐角,则sin(a+TT/4)A.3根号3+4/10。B.4根号3+3/10。C.2根号3+3/10。D.2根号3+4/10 已知0 Edison was ____ great inventor.He invented___ electric light.填什么冠词 edison is the inventor of the light bulb1,为什么is不是was 2,为什么light bulb不是可数名词 Edison is a well-known American inventor. 完形填空悬赏高分,急!Edison is a well-known American inventor. He was taught by his mother when he was a child. Later he learned things (1) _ himself by reading and experimenting. He built a lab fo 利用化学方程式计算的依据是1 化学方程式表示了一种化学反应过程2 化学方程式能表示出反应物 生成物和反应条件3 化学方程式能表示了反应前后反应物和生成物的质量关系4 化学方程式中, take to book your the please math sister连词成句 根据句意和首字母填空.(1)is your math book on the desk?No,it's i___the drawer.(2) where's my chair?it's n__to the table.(3)a_the picture on the wall,it's my family photo.(4)the old man wears a black h__.(5)the boys like c__games.(6)my pecil Thomas Edison was one of the great (s ) in the world. notebook my bookcase is the in连词成句some need i helpthe are pictures the under tableplease tideo tapes those cme bring to my,in,the,reading is,book ,study,a,sister(.)连词成句 This is my book.______is in the schoolbag.用适当的人称代词或物主代词填空。______ is Tim Smith.______ first name is Tim.