
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:04:01
2014届天府教育大联考11数学答案是理科的,不是文科, 一道超难的数学题套请教,认为是数学强者的快来急救!数学家维纳的年龄具体如下:我今年岁数的立方是4位数,岁数的四次方是6位数,这两个数刚好把10个数字:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9全部用上了,维纳 数学强者进已知多项式3y²-2y+6的值为10,求多项式3/2y²-y-3的值是多少?速度吖现在要要过程的谢谢了 英语翻译Remember the time,babyI ain't got no epicsI ain't got no achievements 'cause I ain't first rateI can't even clear NaxxramasBut you know Ima be your favorite group mateInvite me girlBaby it's alright,nowYou don't have to PUG around meEvery 帮忙翻译一下英语达人们上一句是eazy and happiness简单的幸福下一句不简单的路(这句翻译成英语,最好跟上一句英语对的上的.谢谢大家) 请英语达人们帮我翻译一下请帮我翻译这几段话~谢谢优美一点请不要用自动翻译~!1)How many wrongs to make it right?I know,some things must be broken before they can be fixed. Every love has its victims, like…like the p 英语翻译Keys:the gold one is under the pillow in the bed and the silver one is in the window.Rings:one is in the bowl and another one will drop out only if you draw the curtain for a few more times.Power supply:it's in the drawer which you can op pieces 后面跟可数名词单数还是复数.pieces 除后面跟不可数名词时,后面跟可数名词单数还是复数.举例说明下!都可以用,chocolate既可以作可数也可以做不可数名词!那两块巧克力到底用two pieces o PETS证书有用么? 我想提问,要是我单方面拿到笔试或口试的成绩,也可以同时拿到笔试或口试的pets的证书吗?还是我在双方面都要过了才能拿到pets证书?这个证书在以后的就业中会有真的作用吗? barcelona savino delbene -spain是什么意思 英语达人们,都来吧有句句子,希望哪位高手可以给个地道点的翻译.要翻译的句子:“通用本月的媒体形象有所下降,但还是保持在POSITIVE RANGE.” 注意:要让通用的人觉得我是在报喜而不是报 will you clean the rom ,please?改祈使句 has been和have been区别 Are these _______.A.yours pens B.pens yours C.yours pen D.your pen选择题 如题 已知数列an的通项公式为an=n的三次方,其前n项和为Sn,问是否存在常数abc,使等式Sn=an四次方+bn三次方+cn平方对任意n∈N+都成立? 英语翻译Bless me with the leaf off of the treeOn it I'll see the freedom rainWe are falling.The night is callingTears inside me calm me downMidnight calling mist of resolvingCrown me,with the Pure green leafPraise to my father Bless by the water 英语翻译各种that,哭了.The emergence of computationally-enabled sensors and the applicationsthat use sensor data introduces the need for a software infrastructuredesigned specifically to enable the rapid development and deploymentof applicatio "“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳””怎样翻译成英文? 五岳归来不看山 黄山归来不看岳 英语怎么说 听说PETS全国公共英语三的证书可以抵大四的证书,真的吗?如果去面试,公司认可PETS3的证书伐 I can't____my pen.where is it?I can't find my pen.where is it? Where is my pen?It's_________(那边) Where is my pen?It's ( ) 空格处填啥? where is my pen和where are my pen有什么区别? 公共英语PETS,用人单位认这个吗 什么样的单位认可度高些 PETS在可以被各类单位的认可吗? -where is my pen.It's not ___I have left it.-Maybe someone has mistaken it.A.there B.where C.here D.place where选哪个?要详解. The man is easy to deal with ______ (introduce) a person to others is very difficult for a shy man like T______ (introduce)a person to others is very difficult for a shy man like Tom.这种题什么时候用doing什么时候用to do. He has received your letter,He received it three doys ago