
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 18:28:19
i'm sorry to/for/about之间的区别是什么? I'm Sorry 和 im sorry 有区别么I'm Sorry im sorry 有区别么 dont worry we have enough time to the next train A hold B catch C ride D pick A man (comes) (out) to him and (stops) (him).请问括号里哪一个填错了? "A man comes out to him and stops him."里什么地方错了,怎么改? A policeman comes to him.The man gets up right now and runs dqwn the road. How much are your pants?的同义句. a man comes over and _____ hima,stopsb,stopc,stoppingd,to stop How much are your pants?(改为同义句) A man comes up to 有一首歌 高潮有很多遍 i don't care 求歌名偶尔听到过几次,只记得高潮的时候节奏很快的,隔一句就出现一次 i dont care,是一首欧美歌,女生唱的,不是韩国组合的歌, 很流行的一首女声摇滚歌词里很多i don't care i don't care ,请问是什么歌曲 如果没有太阳我们还可以根据什么辨别方向? i'm sorry for me buggin' you sorry for being such a fool god knows i've tried but i can't let go i'm crazy 'bout you know who i'm sorry for me needing you sorry girl that you don't feel it too i get the point,should be a man about it i've never been _____!Are you Anne?No,I'm not .a,Hello b,Sorry C,Hi d,Excuse me I think it is right___him___the work.A.of;to doB.for;doingC.for;to doD.of;doing I am ten years old 改为一般疑问句,否定句做肯定回答 I am ten. (改为一般疑问句) 怎么改?急! 怎样使用手表观看太阳辨别方向 如何利用手表辨别方向? Don't worry.There is little time left.这句话有什么不对的地方? don't worry.there is__time left怎么选,原因, There is -----time left.Don't worry.A.few.B.aThere is -----time left.Don't worry.A.few.B.a few .C.little.D.a littleQ1:问-----处选?Q2:问-----处为什么选A/B/C/D? don't worry!There is some time_____.为什么填left Don't be worry!There is still alittle time left单句改错 在线设计英文名,我叫邹颖睿,女,想要一个英文名,英文名最好与中文名发音一致或与中文名局部发音一致. They are good friends.(改为感叹句)____ ____ students they are! the number of people who die aged last birthday是什么意思?比如说 die aged 60 last birthday 那请问是60岁死的 还是61? The snowstormkilled hundreds of people last month.=Hundreds of people _ _ _ in the snowstorm last month.There was much fog this morning.=It _ _ this morning.How cold the weather is!=What _ _ _ The weather is frosty today.(用Tomorrow改写)The _ _ _ The number of people on 65 years of age has increased 28% in the last ten years.这句话哪错了 把词组成句子 where.to tell stay.people Tell people【 】 Awhere to stay Bto stay where C where stay to?