
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 05:13:08
出国劳务中介费去美国或者加拿大劳务,需要支付中介费多少?他们是负责给我介绍工作,然后我到国外直接可以工作了吗?办理周期多久? 最新出国劳务信息? When I was on a study trip in Beijing,I made quite a few friends there.保持句意基本不变.______ ______study trip in Beijing,Imade quite a few friends there. Please say it__Japanese填介词 the boy is in poor ,his parents worry about him 空处填以h 开头的单词 一道七年级社会题目~同学陈诚说:“依法纳税是企业和成年人的义务,初中生不是纳税人,没有纳税的义务.”这个观点对不对?对于这个问题, 你的看法是什么?要详细,要标准~! My brother has ____ ____ friends in Beijing.根据汉语意思完成英语句子我哥哥在北京有许多朋友.My brother has ____ ____ friends in Beijing. I did find the two sons of one of my brothers.能帮我写出句子成分吗? 孤帆远影碧空尽的下一句是什么哩? Students should stay in this room.Their names are on the list.两句并一举 青岛出国劳务公司工资多少 (1)A group of students () coming this afternoon 括号里填is还是are?(2)What's the ----- idea 划线处填main,mainly还是really?(3)My friends will ------- at ten pm.划线处填arrive,get,还是reach? 以“旧书”为题写一篇800字左右的文章 已《旧书》为题,写一篇文章 即期汇票 什么情况下使用、怎么申请、怎么使用、需要注意哪些要点,即期汇票 什么情况下使用、怎么申请、怎么使用、需要注意哪些要点, 请问,( )是一种即期汇票,又是一种记名汇票?A、银行汇票B、银行本票C、支票D、银行承兑汇票 “旧书”为题的作文 car servicing garage? 以旧书为话题的高中生作文 作文《旧书》怎么写 英语高一练习-__with any common sense can tell the difference between the two words who,whoever,anyone ,any one who用哪一个2.The wine industy in Area has devoloped in a special way ,__little foreign ownership 用一个介词要原因 高一练习英语 请问大家一道高一的英语练习题时态及词性变化:All that must be done__________(do).空格内填的词数不限. 旧书 作文 carry,thing 造句用carry 和 thing 造一个句子. 各位急需2个CARRY OUT的造句 carry on doing 造句 有关carry back造句 1 ,When he ___ all the newspapers,he will go home.A sells B has sold C will have sold D will be sold 2,I ___see you ,but i didn't,for i had no timeA had wanted to B has wanted to C wanted D was wanted For breakfast he only drink juice from fresh fruits ____ in his own farm.A.grown B.being grown C.to be grown D.to grow 六年级上册第四单元作文,建议书,必须是自创的, 一.用表示“看”的词语填空1.小猫( )这鱼缸里的小鱼.2.奶奶( )着照片上的小明,感慨地说:“这孩子又长高了!”3.我们透过飞机的舷窗,( )着大地.4.他( )朋友离去的背影.二.用包含"