
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:00:52
地狱之王用英语怎么说? 高级英语翻译待遇,像工资多少,工作时间几个小时,工休几天,是周六周日休息吗等.望知情人透露 我除了周六周日外我每天都去上班的英语翻译 我们周六周日都要上课.翻译成英文 英语翻译怎样会显得跟地道呢?意思差不多就行... 钓鱼竿的滑轮怎样用 钓鱼竿是不是滑轮我觉得好像是的吧 滑轮尺怎么安装 图片 谁能帮我推荐个带卷线轮的钓鱼竿垂钓地点:主要在小河流、鱼塘、小水库钓鱼的,钓鱼的种类:草鱼、鲫鱼、鲤鱼、等小型淡水鱼使用人:中年人哪位大哥推荐个带卷线的轮子那种吧,碳素 英语翻译昨天我的同事带去你办公室的样品有收到了吗?期待能很快收到你的评论. 英语翻译非常感谢您帮助我们安排行程.我们在墨西哥的工作人员金小姐,会在最近与您联系,讨论12月6日的细节问题.另外,如果可以的话,我们希望在会谈的时候,使用PPT,以便更好的介绍.期待与 求解决一道初三英语填空我更想当一名老师.I'd like to be a teacher ,-----.(只有一空) 英语单项选择,John hit Bob ___.A.in the faceB.on his face C.in faceD.by the faceMarx began to learn Russian ___his fifties.A.inB.atC.forD.since 选择填空(1)--Hi,Tony.How did your experiment go yesterday?---Well,it wasn't as___as I had thought.I'm supposed to do it again today.A hard B hardly C easy D the same(2)----Is everything ready for the party?-----I hope there are enough glasses for 选择填空(初三英语)1.This match made them _______ at last.A.happily B.quickly C.slowly D.friendly 6.why don't you use your own knife?A sorry I've __it at home7.Is Mr wang here?He ___be here.He called me from Shanghai just now.A mustn't B can't C may D left8.Do you feel tired?No,I dont If I were tired,I ___a restA had B would have C will have D ha 有几道初三英语的选择和填空,各位哥哥姐姐帮帮忙吧!1.( )Mr Feng( )in a documentary about the hutongs in Beijing last month.But I don't know if he( ) itA.acted;finished B.was acting;has fin some...some...后面加others还是the others有两个some后面用哪个呢,说理由 翻译:经过地狱式训练 “恭喜你,终于脱离苦海了!”用英语怎么翻译? 炼狱(俄罗斯的中文翻译 地狱少女翻译成英语怎么说? “不要逃离我的身边堕落于地狱.”翻译成英语 It's an English story of few new words,--?后面该填什么呢?我知道是填isn't it.请问是为什么 英语翻译在过去,中国有很多麋鹿.然而,在过去的四十年间,大量的麋鹿被杀了.随着时间的流逝,人们开始意识到保护动物的重要性.在北京,一个麋鹿公园已经被建了起来.如今,麋鹿得到了人类的 用when...some...others 造句 "My father is a man of few words and also a man of his word"how to translate it? 这句对吗?my father is a man with few words but my mother talks too much offer sth.to sb They _____(agree) to give it to me the next day答案是agreed 为什么 I'll always think of you when I see this翻译 英语作文我们的新校车