
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 05:32:04
谁有初一英语期末试卷及答案? 初一英语上册期末考作文. 初一英语上册题4.Which is the capital of USA A.Washing D.C.B.New York.C.Los Angeles.D.Atlanta 初一英语上册预备篇习题 初一英语上册每单元的题目是什么 一、英语翻译(每个一分,1、互相聊天_______________ 2、喊我起床______________ 3、它的新主人_____________ 4、在阅读俱乐部__________ 5、善于打篮球_____________ 6 、来自北京_____________ 7、在七年级一班_ 初一英语导学练期末测试2选择题答案 初一英语上册《练习册》人教实验版答案 初一英语导学练期中测试2的答案,我忘记带回家了,上册......苏州牛津..... 初一英语上册的作文题. 初一英语作文题目只要题目就好不需要例文.. 题目要详细一点...最好能像测验时的作文一样 初一英语单元检测卷子和期末测试卷谁有啊?2011的! 初一英语同步测试答案 《时代英语报》初一英语配套测试卷 《时代英语报》初一英语配套测试卷 Test3(7A Unit3) 全程测试卷初一英语15张,全部 1.--Which do you prefer ,KFC or McDonald's --________.A.Each B.None C.Neither D.Yes,KFC2.He ______do the cooking because he has an hourly worker _____the housework.A.needs to;do B.needn't;to do C.doesn't need to;do D.need;to do 3.You can stay at a ho ( )You go______Long Street and______left.You can find the supermarket.A.down;turn B.straight;turn to C.through;turn to D.down;turn to( )______Is there a post office in the neighborhood?A.Excuse me B.How do you do?C.How are you D.OK( 句型转换:My sister is a famous singer.(对a famous singer提问)What_______ _______sister_______?Mr.Guo works in Bank of China.(对Bank of China提问)_______ _______Mr.Guo_______?What's your father's job?(同义句替换)_______ __ 翻译下列句子:Please_______my best wishes_______the children.我从老师那儿得到了奖励.I_______a prize_______my teacher.虽然警察的职业有几分危险,但是我还是想当.I want______ ______a policeman,though it's_______ ______ 根据句意及首字母提示填空.I am h______,I want to eat something.Welcome to our neighborhood,we are n______from now on.Your room is d______,please clean it.The r______is b______the bank and the park,I like the food there.When are they arrivi 人教版初一英语下册我要初一下册的英语单词,是人教版的,要7-12单元的,中英对照有急用, 急.初一英语人教版各个单元的知识点汇总我办了个初一英语班,谁有人教版初一英语上下册各个单元的知识点总结,要详细点的,最好带习题, 初一英语下册语法知识点这册书里的重点是什么?还有重点句式. 求初一英语下册所有重要的知识点或者语法! 人教版新目标初一英语下册各个单元涉及到得语法 求人教版初一英语各单元语法? 初一英语下册4,5单元语法归纳 求人教版初一英语第2单元语法 初一英语书下册7页第五题咋写 1._____ go for a walk with us?A.why don't B.why not you C.why not D.how about2.Jim is a ______.A.seven years old B.seven-years-old boyC.seven-year-old boy D.seven year old3.Eva saw a snake.She was_____ scared ____say a word.A.to,too B.too,to C.too,th 初一英语下册人教版单词如题! 但我不会……1.The girl was so c___ that she lost her things again.2.At that time he heard his brother ,Sam,c____ for help.