
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:34:26
Boy,This girl you want take life to cherish什么意思 can在英语中的过去式急呀,好像是canld是吧?还有can't的过去式 any girl want to meet with me ,please add me to your list我解释的不对 什么任何的女孩想要遇见我 请添加清单给我? what l want to say is_____.The sportss meet is cancelled. a this b that c it d its 一根铁丝可以围成一个边长为12分米的正方形,把这根铁丝围成高14.4分米等腰三角形,问等腰三角形的底是多 一根长18分米的铁丝围成一个等腰三角形,腰长5分米,底边长为多少分米?急用急用! 哥抽的不是烟是寂寞怎么翻译? 谁能给多我一些模仿一些“哥抽的不是烟是寂寞”的句子,比如:哥喝的是酒,咽的是苦涩.哥流的是泪,淌的是艰辛.哥挥的是刀,博的是生活.我想要的答案记得是在百度上找的,是一首诗的类型, (1){does}(2){you} know (3){how to} make it?改错 (1){i}(2){had}to(3){planting}the seed are you know how to make it do you know to make it在空的地方填一词在know后面添词 为什么不能选as 呢She is an easy-going girl._______ you meet her ,she will smile to you.A.As B.Every time C.While D.Since为什么我知道答案是 every time she is an easy-going girl,( )is popular with everyone.A_one B_ one which C_she which D_she 我喜欢的女孩问我喜欢她什么.)我回答她了,她在那呵呵的笑. 英语翻译Deng Yuanyuan is the hero of 20 children at the Sunshine Home in Shanghai.It is not an easy job to teach a class of kids with special needs.But for the 32-year-old girl,it is not difficult at all.Deng became a voluntary English teacher si Does any one know how to make 5mM sodium acetate buffer? one swallow does not make a summer the puzzled look on her face suggested that she hadn't expected it中文是什么意思 The (surprisd) look in her face suggested that she hadn't known it before.为什么括号里用surprised,而不用surprisingsurprised?为什么括号里用surprised,而不用surprising? 关于suggest的虚拟语气.The surprised look on Daisy's face suggested that she ____(没有料到)that her The expression on her face suggested that she was anger.(翻译成中文) 哥抽的不是烟,而是寂寞.指的是什么呀?请知情者指教! 哥抽的不是寂寞、而是烟、 华尔街英语现在在口语教学方面效果怎么样?以后工作接触急需练习! 我要学口语,英语基础不是太好 但由于工作需要接触的外国人比较多 怎么煮咖啡 这句话 英语怎么说 how to make a cup of coffee? How does Ann like her coffee?安想要什么样的咖啡?为什么这里要用到her?可以用the代替吗? 英语:喝杯咖啡怎么样?How about drinking a cup of coffee?中为什么drink要加ing? 冲咖啡英文应该是Make还是doing 我认为他发烧了 用英语怎么说? 23.Do you know the man__is reading the book over ther?Yes,he's Mr .Green,our PE teacher.A.which B.what C.whom D.who 英语填空Do you know the man s_____ hands with our headmaster?