
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:06:30
is the hotel there next a to office post 怎样连词成句 作文 我养成了一个好习惯 急! 字数500字左右.( ⊙ o ⊙ )啊! 我养成了一个好习惯(作文)500字左右 急 我养成了什么什么好习惯的作文500字 《30天养成一个好习惯》的作文,明天就用,500字就行, What are those?They are _______.那个单词___l__第4个字母为L what are those?的回答用those are . —What are those?—They're _______.A.a plant B.plantC.the plant D.plants What are those?答语 those what they are are witches.连词成句 i u b n l d i g组成单词并写出中文意思 d u l i b n i g 能组成什么单词? 用l,d,i,b,i,n,g,u组成一个单词 口译考试那些说什么四级550六级520分才可以考的是什么?我弄不懂 如果要考口译 就必须要四级550六级520分才可以考吗?还有现在口译好像大致分三类 人事部的 教育部的 还有上海的 到底哪个 英语四级520分,六级还没考,想去的学校要考雅思到6.5,自学不报班复习多久能考到6.要买什么书,怎么复习?我打算今年寒假去考一次,从现在开始自学寒假有可能到6. 来源的英文单词怎么写? 英文单词“原因”的区别For Sovlets,clothing is the ____ of greatest complaint,hosing follows ,and food is last.A sourceB problemC causeD reason怎么区分?hosing 的确是housing参考答案不是C 六级帮我估下分,昨天考的六级听力选择13个,填空词2个,句子1个 快速阅读8个,填空阅读3个,仔细阅读7个 完型11个 翻译2个 作文15分满分就算9分吧希望有达人可以准确估分,不希望是用算分器算 帮我六级估下分刚刚对了答案,听力加上阅读(快速和深度)错了8个选项(误差两个内),翻译全对,完形填空比较烂,错了应该有8个的样子.作文不错,如果之前真题按100分算的话,自我感觉应该 麻烦哪位高手把下面的英语翻译为汉语,谢谢!In his 1930 essay “Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren “, John Keynes, acconmist, ewrote that human needs fall into two classes: absolute needs ,which are indupe what other have 麻烦 英语翻译成汉语 the,is,bowl,near,book,the,fish(.)连词成句并翻译 he,is,the,fishbowl,near,watching,the,fish怎么连词成句 What are those?------( ) ----------------hens A.These are B.Those are C.They are 在高中的外语学习中,那些动词在其从句中要用虚拟语气给动词 有啥特殊的也写一下吧 哪些动词在主句中,从句要用虚拟语气? 英语中虚拟语气在主语从句中的用法谓语常用should加 动词原型为什么这句不是加动原?it is strange that she should have left without saying goodbye 为什么should后不是leave 英语翻译The movie was very (boring).I fell (asleep)half( )through it. 英语4级和6级哪个好过4级 6级有几次机会大几参加考试比较好?我同学说过4级最重要的是词汇6级难不难过哪 大学是怎么学外语的? 你认为做运动重要吗?英语作文. 机器人的英语文章怎么写70字 英语翻译One day a Frenchman went to New York.He didn’t know a word of English.When he arrived in NewYork,he took a bus to a hotel.It was SundaN and the Frenchman decided to go out for a walk.He left the hotel and went out into the stree