
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 18:26:13
请回答,有下面四个数据,你能组成几个比例? 小张为了研究声音的传播速度与哪些因素有关,阅读下表,根据表中数据,你得出什么结论?几种物质中的声速(单位m/s)空气(15℃) 340空气(25℃) 346软木 500煤油(25℃) 324蒸馏水(25℃) 49 ck:245U/L ck-mb:26.4u/L 能得出什么结论 还需要什么具体数据 详细有奖励 (x-5)³=﹣27 若5(x-1)³+27/25=0,则x的值为 1 .命题:"邻补角互补"的题设是________________,结论是____________________. 用什么成语来形容包罗各种各样的人才 日本明治维新是否属于资本主义的发展?请说明理由 明治维新哪一措施最能体现资本主义性质 为什么会有汉字?为什么会有生命?呵呵 高中数学导学导练在三角形ABC中,a,b,c成等差数列问题在三角形ABC中,a,b,c成等差数列,且A-C=90度,那么sinA=______,sinB=______,sinC=_______ 设A(-2,y1)B(1,y2)C(2,y3)是抛物线y=-(x+1)2+a上的三点,则y1.y2.y3的大小关系为? 高考数学,导数中洛必达法则的使用(常用在分离变量的方法中)请简单解释一下.老师讲导数大题时候经常提到洛必达法则,但是因为高中没有具体学过所以不太明白,麻烦给讲讲.要求讲的清 在导数题中,什么时候适合用分离参数求最值?什么时候不能用比如这题第二问为何坟墓里变量之后感觉奇怪 汉字的点.线.笔.画比喻成筋.骨.血.肉,二者之间有什么相同点这个问题是小学生的一道作业题,但是我不知道什么样的答案是最佳的,谢谢 已知y=(m-1)x²+2x+m,当m=【】时,图像是一条直线. AABC式的词语,各位知道的告诉我是什么慢慢BC, 选择合适词语填空.(1) 涌现 表现 呈现 浮现 展现开展“双学”活动以来,校园里( )出一派新气象,好人好事不断( ),雷锋、赖宁的光辉形象时刻( )在我们的面前.(2) 爱护 爱戴 珍惜 AABC式的词语,各位知道的告诉我是什么侃侃BC, 求高人指点.文数选择与填空答案.政治也要 生活中有哪些不纯的汉字 Italy是什么意思? 英语首字母填空、求高人解答.1、The old man often goes out with his g_____ and he loves her very much.2、This poor village o____ has a small primary school.3、Miss Black is one of the m______ of this study group.4、I hear someone talki 750 ITALY 英语:首字母填空,Henry is a k______.He likes p______.He think his paintings are good,so he likes to show them to people.As people are a______ of him,they all say that his paintings are g______.Now he is showing his paintiungs to a well-known 6个小朋友围成一圈做游戏,每两个小朋友之间的距离是2米,这一圈的长度是多少米? 求高人帮我解决1篇英语首字母填空.Since t_ of millions of years the moonhas been to going around Earth.A__ that time the moon was the only satellites of E__.Today the earth has many other satellites(卫星).All of them are made by man. 英语首字母填空、求高人1、The old man often goes out with his g_____ and he loves her very much.2、This poor village o____ has a small primary school.3、Miss Black is one of the m______ of this study group.4、I hear someone talking.Who 英语首字母填空!高人!1. Here's a storyaout Ming's life on the waters. Ming has lived all his life on a wide r__ in China.His home is a large house-boat with a roof. In about six years he has not once been on l__, but he is never lonely. He m的平方+3n-2=0,M的解 请问第五题有人会做吗 除了“诫”,还有什么含“戒”的字?还有它的组词.不能要生僻的字!