
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:55:53
德干高原在哪里? She wants to know ____ a good ideaA、why didn't I think it wasB、why I didn’t think it wasC、why I thought it wasn’tD、why did I think it wasn’t求理由、、、、、 She is a good girl.Everyone wants to make friends with her.合并She is a good girl with------everyone wants to make friends. 关于勤奋、坚持的议论文不要名家范文,要稍微小众一点的,..........如果答案好我最高会追加50分悬赏........ I和I同音的英语单词 see的同音字母大小写是什么 同音或近音的英语单词不要过去式,不要现在进行式,要同音的两个单词,要五组,要同一个词性. 分析德干高原成棉花产区的原因 形容成功人士的词句有哪些?单词、成语、诗词、名言警句、短文等等都可以,越多越好, 用几个词语概括成功者应该有的品质.求完美具体答案 I am going to __for vacationA.somewhere exciting B.interesting somewhere C.anywhere quiet D.everywhere funny.我怎么觉得都不对?因为to是介词,后面不能跟副词啊 已知Y1=x,Y2=x^2+bx+c.a,b分别为Y1-Y2=0的两个根点M(t,T)在Y2上,Y1与Y2交于A,B两点,三角形ABM的面积为12^3分之一,求t2:若0 --I am going back home to see my parents for vacation.--________.A.Have a good time.B.I do not think so.C.I hope so.D.Sorry to hear that. I am visiting my cousins for vacation对for vacation 提问 she wants to make friends with _shares her interest A whoever B any one C whomever D no matter who咋 德干高原形成原因? 在横线上填入我国城市名使前后都组成成语. 对节木有毒吗 剑毒木是什么? 关于木系的毒木系:让敌方处于"中毒"状态.处于"中毒"状态的角色将会持续损失生命值,并且不能使用物理攻击.今天闲的看帮助,突然之间就翻到这个了,不能使用物理攻击? 用木碗好吗?木碗的漆有毒吗? 求专家看看这花是什么名字?有木有毒? (07年,湖北省十堰市)如图所示,点O是△ABC外的一点,分别在射线OA、OB、OC上取一点A’、B’、C’,使得 ,连结A’B’、B’C’、C’A’,所得△A’B’C’与△ABC是否相似?证明你的结论. AD=4 AB=2 P是DE中点 梯形ABED 连接AP BP BD 时 BD交AP于N求证(1)AP=BP(太简单了 不用你做)(2) 求证△AND∽△BPE 求BE的长 求格式 BE=2或8 为什么 shouldn't tonight she to the go party 连词成句 如图,点E是边长为a的正方形ABCD的边AB上的一点,将△ADE沿DE翻折得到△FDE,小明将EF延长交DC的延长线于点M,ME=MD.(1)当AB=2AE时,求:CM:CD的值.(2)当AB=nAE时,求:CM:CD的值 you,go,didi,the,last,to,party,halloween,saturday(?)连词成句 Dear Mark,I am writing to you,b_1_ I want to tell you about my holiday. I (tell) that the exchange student will arrive soon I am going (c----- ) with my parents this summer holiday My parents are c_____ going to Shanghai for the next holiday.