
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:12:36
roller coaster过山车为什么是过山车.希望形象化一下 过山车 ROLLER COASTER怎么样 ()bread taste nice with jam?A.Does B.Do C.Is.选哪个,为什么? Bread tastes delicous ______jam.A with B in C by D and 已知f(x)=2asin(2x十兀/6)十a十b的定义域为[0,2],值域为[一5,1],求a、b的值 人基因突变可以活多大 [求翻译]a willful man will have his way to his own hurt 翻译My hands hurt and I will have my clothes washed 蒲松龄自称《聊斋志异》是他的—— my math class is hard同义句 As( for) math,I am the best in my class这里的for为什么不用in 改错①(My) math class ②( finish ) ③( at ) 2:40-----( )__________ 各种蠢事,在每天阅 读好书的影响下,仿佛烤在火上一样,渐渐熔化 art,is,ciass,math,before,class 连词成句 The writer is not very good at writing dialogs.同义句 英语翻译Today we did a survey about the troubles we students face in our class.The results show the pressure we are under.Half of our classmates thinks there`s too much homework.They don`t have much time for fun.Some of them worry about their exa 英语翻译1 追求个人的满足感 某种意义上符合哲学上 "功利主义"的观念,美国人生活在资本主义社会 但他们仍然相信人们获取成功的动机来自于个人的满足感 而非财富.2 个人主义观点来说 英语翻译a subway system is not only an impoatant way of transportation in cities but also a window for other people to learn about local culture.beijing subway was open in 1969 and is the oldest subway system in china .in order to welcome the 200 动物是怎样相互交流的 乌龟变黄鳝 如何与动物沟通? Is your love makes my world not lonely这个句子对不对,前边的那个is为什么不用换成are? 质量为一千克的木块,以4米每秒的初速度从倾角为30度的斜面下端向上滑行,上滑最大 心中有数是什么意思? 落井下石你心中有数. 心中有数,全盘考虑, 心中有数的反义词是什么哥哥姐姐是什么啊 阿军是个聪明的孩子,可在学习上粗心大意.这次数学测验考了76分.晚上回到家里,爸爸一看试卷:你错了12道题!爸爸沉下脸说:“阿军,你真不错!你看你~” ( )-----心中有数 粗心大意怎么办啊.我升初中了,第一次数学小测试就只考了91分,我怕对老师的印象会很差.有一题我会的但是我竟然没写,因为我没注意看到.太粗心了.我小学的时候也一样.1年级成绩还好,但开 But my eyes could not division 但我的肉眼无法分辨All the colours of love and of life ever more .division不是名词分开的意思么.在这里为甚么做动词? 请问什么叫Soothing Stress Away,什么是 iPod?还有如果说He is in his 20s.