
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:23:22
煮过的咖啡颗粒还有什么用处? 过期咖啡有什么妙用吗买的是那种速溶咖啡,发现到昨天已经过期了,不舍得扔掉,哪位朋友知道过期的咖啡还有其他妙用吗? Do you prefer milk or orange juice?I don't like ____.I usually drink coffee.为什么这里要用either would you like juice _____ milk?用or 还是 and 果园桃树200棵,梨树280棵.梨树比桃树多40%;桃树比梨树少( )% 果园里有梨树120棵,比桃树少三分之一.果园里有桃数多少棵? He has bread and milk for____.中该选什么?A.sipper B.lunch C.breakfask D.dinner milk and orange juice( )healthy drinks.A have B is C are D has 一个果园里桃树和梨树的棵树比是3:5,这个果园有桃树90棵,这个果园有梨树多少棵? Tom bought a lot of food.it________(包括) milk,eggs and bread.The children need _______(organize) activites.They are_________(craze) about dancing and singing.why was she______(angrily )with you? Tom’ s father bought him a small shop,and Tom sold milk,butter,cheese,eggs and other things in it.His shop was in a small town,and it was open on Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturd… and on Sunday morning,but it was closed on Sunday aftern 坐等tom bought much food.it i___ milk,eggs and apples.the children are old enough to look after t___.don't worry about themF____ is another way of saying soccerdon't pull the dorr.you should p____ it.you look nice in red.red f___ you他上周给我 Fresh orangs,milk,bread and eggs.What do you ___ breakfast?cook with pay forhave forthink of 果园里桃树的棵树是梨树的2.5倍,桃树比梨树多60棵,桃树和梨树各有多少棵列方程 果园里梨树和桃树共有365棵,桃树的棵树比梨树的2倍多5棵.果园里梨树和桃树各有多少棵?(不要方程最好) 果园里有桃树60棵,是梨树棵树的4分之5,梨树有多少棵? I like milk and eggs,___I don't like bread.A.and B.but C.or I DON'T LIKE BREAD AND EGGS这句话有什么错误,请详细点,谢谢 We don't like eggs and milk这句话哪错了 My parents like bread.They don't like milk.(合并句子) I don't like milk or eggs.I dislike milk ___ eggs.后一句用and 还是or连 果园里有梨树、桃树和苹果树共366棵.梨树棵数是桃树的85%,苹果数的棵数比桃树多20%,果园里有桃树多少棵? 果园有梨树.桃树呵苹果树共366棵.梨树棵树比桃树少15%,苹果树棵树比桃树多20%,果园里有桃树多少棵?急 果园里有梨树,桃树和苹果树共366棵.梨树棵数是桃树的百分之85,苹果树的棵数比桃树多百分之20桃树有多少棵 i,strawberry,thief,yo-yo,peach,sandwich,man,woman,paper,juice,water,milk,rice,tea的复数. 写出下列词的复数(sandwich,man,woman,paper,water,milk,rice,tea)快 一大串不可数名词和起来如Water milk juice动词用复数还是单 milk rice sheep man water tea这些单词的复数怎么写? 果园里的桃树比梨树多64棵,桃是梨的5倍,问桃,梨,各有多少棵? milk的复数形式 有一个果园,种满了苹果树,梨树,桃树.已知果园的面积2/5种了桃树,1/3种了梨树,桃和梨共占果园面积的几分之几?苹果树的面积占果园面积的几分之几? 果园里桃树的棵数相当于梨树棵数的相当于苹果树棵数的如果梨树比苹果树少180棵,这个果园里桃梨苹有多少棵