
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:52:26
Li Lei was late (a ) and the teacher was very angry.Someone is _____(敲) at the door.Our school team _____(赢)the football match last week.The children really enjoyed _____(them ) in the park.There isn't any ______in the bowl.A.rice B.eggs She was very angry.She had words to say.( a few,few ) His father doesn't let his ( )the compuer.A.plays B.to play C.playing D.play(请说出根据) He gets up early and plays sports with his father.get用了三单 后面的play要用三单么 客家人的历史 Let's ____a guessing game(A.playing B.play c.plays) Let’s _______ a game!A.playing B.plays C.play 为什么选c 为什么Miss在前,姓在后?why? what you think of he can play with her.(改为一般的疑问句,并做肯定地回答) 13.Don’t let the child play with scissors ______ he cuts himself.A.in caseB.so that C.now that D.only if选择哪个 When the boy __the stotybook ,his mother __asleep.A.read ;fell B.was reading ;was falling C.read ;was falling D.was reading ;fell 什么时候要用ing形式? I'm eleven years old today.My sister calls a friend erery monday 如何用yesterday改写 想到安徽收购西瓜,想做西瓜生意,怎么找代收西瓜的电话?求联系方式,中国石湖西瓜市场 my friend Ann doesn't write as ---------(good)as her sister为什么不用GOOD 各种常用花卉的英语单词列表 my sister isn't good at her l_____ in his place he f___ better today than yesterday Although laughter ___ the room ,she feilt lonely.A was filled with B was filled C was fillingD was filling with 一首忧伤蓝调的 英文歌 我记得 this lonely room 好像还有 the brighter day 这类 求这几道数学题的解法!THANK YOU VERY MUCH!1甲乙两人从学校到1000米远的展览馆去参观,甲走了5分钟后乙才出发,甲的速度是80米一分钟,乙的速度是180米一分钟,问乙多长时间能追上甲?追上甲时离展 选择题We___maintenance work in the engine roomA.have B.does C.do D.are选择哪个.为什么 Richard offered to helpdo the housework ____ room and broad here in the comingweek.A.by means of B.in exchange for C.in return for D.in charge of为什么选B而不选C ,其他选项最好也说一下排除的理由. Hotel work is often ( ).A.seasonB.seasonableC.seasonalD.seasoning 各位数学高手们,这些我不会,请告诉我,急,急Thank you very much!填空题1.从甲桶油里取出20%倒入乙桶,甲乙两桶油的重量相等,原来乙桶里油重量相当于甲桶( )%2.实际比计划增产5%,实际相当于计 郑人买屡的郑人为什么“宁信度,无自信也”? 线上交易和线下交易有什么区别? Seated at the black of the room was a shy girl这里的Seated为什么不可以换成sat? 《郑人买履》文中哪些地方可以表现出郑人“宁信度,无自信也”? 形容“说”的成语.至少2个! 高中国庆放几天假拜托了各位 谢谢 we all love her very 影响心血管活动的主要因素