
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:49:59
They have a volleyball game every year.They___ ___a volleyball game every.改为同义句错了错了 上面这个是否定句 还有几个 His date of birth is June 3rdHis ___ ___ June 3rd 《改为同义句》 girl sitting volleyball the the on is( )连词成句 连词成句 you,a,volleyball,have,do do,play,on,they,volleyball,weekends,the 连词成句 year many visit foreigners last came to shanghai 连词成句 monday came to us at 求关于“守望”话题的作文建议 能把中文名字翻译成罗马音吗?如果可以求翻译OAO→ 杨 芷婷 we will stay until he comes back.同意句.we - - leave - he comes back. 汉语姓名翻译成罗马音金辰昱 翻译成罗马音是什么呢? I will stay with you ____ your father comes back.(A.for B.to C.until) I will not tell him until he comes back tomrrow.为什么come要用单三而不用将来时 帮忙写一份介绍韩庚的英语作文不要太简单. The snow was heavy last night同意句 求以守望为话题的作文~求以守望为话题的作文,【标题最好不是“守望”啊】不少于500字滴……急求啊,非诚勿扰! 英语翻译Kyu ni me ga sa me ta ne mu re na ku na ta i ro i ro wo kan ga e te na yu mi ga i pa i a ru ka mi sa ma i ma no wa ta si dou su re ba ii noKyu ni me ga sa me ta ne mu re na ku na ta i ro i ro wo kan ga e te na yu mi ga i pa i a ru ka mi s 英语翻译seijihe是个罗马单词么?或许是分开的,但是我的书中并没有写明到底是几个单词,或许是sei ji he 或许是.哪位同志可以帮我翻通一下.呃.下文就是 "写给我儿子的."是日文,在五十音图中找 英语翻译罗马位于台伯河下游的丘陵平原上,已有2500余年历史.它是一座艺术宝库、文化名城.罗马是意大利的首都,也是罗马天主教廷所在地.是意大利占地面积最广、人口最多的城市.罗马是意 描写桂花的句子,不要诗句 酱油泡大蒜~~你们吃过吗?就是泡几个月之后,就可以吃的那种.你们吃了有什么感觉? 如何做酱油泡蒜?酱油泡蒜,有点微辣那种. 大蒜用酱油泡? My father asked,"When will you be back?" 改为间接引语 My father asked me ( ) I ( ) ( ) back. 描写或赞美桂花的诗句 关于赞美桂花的诗句急 赞美桂花的诗句 here and 关于赞美桂花的诗必须是古诗,而且是有名人写的.例子越多越好 这里的here and there什么意思?I started writing lines here and there and they grew into songs.谢谢! everywhere和here and there有区别吗?Patches of green had begun to appear.There was green grass______答案为什么是 here and there? 植物 种大蒜变黄了怎么办种在换盆里的大蒜为什么有点偏黄,种在水里面的,才种下不久长的挺快的,不会越长就越变黄了吧!有什么办法吗? 以守望为话题,写一篇文章.1.不少于600字. 2.不得出现真实的人名校名