
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 20:25:22
新概念英语第二册 unit1 Lesson4 summary writing的答案 汉字和人名趣谈 汉字与人名趣谈 汉字中与人名的趣谈有哪些? 查一些有关汉字来历的趣谈 趣谈汉字典故 make up their minds是加s还是不加s.我觉得这里mind是决心的意思.应为不可数.大家认为呢.还有change their mind是可数还是不可数.我认识是可数.取意见之意.可是我的想法和答案上不一样.到底该怎么 present your measurement in class. These boys haven't made up their minds_______.A.when to start B.when starting C.when they start D.when started这题应该选A吧? 翻译:Present your answers of no.6.1&no.6.2 to the class at next session. present your poster to the 怎样根据词语写想象作文从以下3组词语中任选一组,展开想象,写一篇作文,700字:1、魔法棒、喜羊羊、灰太狼;2、航天员、空间站、玉皇大帝;3、蚂蚁、巨人、大海、船.请将完成的文章发 They wanted to make Henry happy.改为同义句 they wanted to make Henry happy = They wanted to make me They wanted to make one more pair of shoes.是什么意思 语文书上的语言趣谈收集材料 阅读短文筷子趣谈 动物词语趣谈请问谁知道“龟缩”,“狐疑”,“鹅步”,“蝉食”,“鱼贯”的由来? 作文《语言趣谈》,《家》 the city is no longer ___ it was ten years agoa.what b.which c.that为何选A?其他错在哪? The sky was very blue five years ago.否定句 now she studys in class 1 ,grade 7 .she is good at draw and English . “一个中国乒乓球国家队的成员”用英语怎么说 盆字的下面怎么读 They made up their minds not to help him even when they____to do so.A.ask B.were asked C.would ask D.asked 下面字怎么读 下面的字读什么 下面的字怎么读 drivers shouldn't bd allowed ( ) after drinking ,or they will brak the law. you should never driver after drinking (改为祈使句) ------ ------ after drinkingHow can i get to the Zhongshan park(改为同义句)can you tell me the ----- -----zhongshan park they need to take the No.88 bus.(对the No.88 bus.提问------bus 英语翻译Some just want everthing.But everything mean nothing .If I ain`t got you.