
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:31:33
一道英语题初中短文填空…… Mrs Jones is very busy every day.Today is Monday.She gets______from work at eight o'clock in the evening.She sees her______children are watching TV.Their socks and shoes are______the floor.Cookies are on the sofa.Toys are everywhere.The house is a me 英语短文填空求解, do you help your mother with the housework on sunday 改为过去式的句子怎么改 Do you often help your mother with the housework?(改同义句)Do you often _____ your mother ____theDo you often help your mother with the housework?(改同义句)Do you often_____ your mother ____the housework? ()you often () (help) your mother with housework用下列单词的正确形式补全对话 谢谢了 好点啊 急啊 用干燥剂贴在墙上对付应经受潮起皮的地方有用吗?用哪种类型的干燥剂?石灰类?硅胶类?还能用其他方法对付受潮起皮的墙壁吗? 怎么区别干燥剂是硅胶还是生石灰的? 硅胶作为干燥剂比生石灰的优点有哪些 可不可以说It is good weather______good weather ,isn't it?A.What B.It is 我知道可以选A ,但为什么不能选B? 【我觉得我很喜欢你,不知道能不能有荣幸做你女朋友】这句话翻译成英语! 卤素的最高价水化物的酸性为什么逐渐降低,它的氢化物为什么却相反?请说清楚一下 卤素族的元素的最高价氧化物对应的水化物的酸性从上到下是怎样变化? 卤素最高价氧化物对应水化物的酸性逐渐降低,其中F除外,为什么?请说清楚! SO2、SO3分别和NaO2反应的方程式 used to say good night to To say good night to you every day what __fine weather it is!what __good time they are having/a./;a b./;/ c.a;a d.the;a 英文名“诺涵”的谐音翻译成英文版,再帮我找找有含义的英文女生名,例如“chrustal"像水晶一样 我是女生,名字里有子涵二字.请问怎么起英语名?最好能有名字的谐音.(开玩笑的请滚) 周一涵这个名字怎么样?帮忙取个谐音的英语名字 与洛涵谐音的英文名. 求“雨涵”英文谐音名,是女孩, 怎样在玻璃地弹门装铝合金护门板 肯德基铝合金门的密封性怎么样? 铝合金门哪个好 汽车钻井机怎么把动力传到钻轴上 地质导向钻井是指? 英语翻译I did not think the friend wants and me is same My goodfriend's name is Zhou Ruijie He and I have the same place We all arethe black hair and the black eye But our different place.are verymany I compare like the sports,he actually does no 如何申请地质钻探资质 我感觉我的身体是炎性的,身体很多炎症,怎么办? 从病理学上,常常把炎症概括分为交质性炎,渗出性炎,增生性炎三类,试简要描述各类从病理学上,常常把炎症概括分为交质性炎、渗出性炎、增生性炎三类,试简要描述各类炎症的主要特征,并举