
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 15:04:15
谁能写出英语提问(或问题)并答题.列如:What is your name?My name is 基本的,越多越好(20个左右) 是what is yourname对 还是what are your name 为什么? 半角数字怎么输入 半角数字怎么输 那位朋友帮我译一下:I want to be a strong woman,short duration is my nature,I won't give up. 英语翻译帮忙翻译正确的中文意思!是我喜欢的一个女生发表的说说!I want to be strong with the cry,tears are not obedient. 问个英语问题:What I want to be is a strong powerful woman,but I'm just a weak little girlWhat I want to be is a strong powerful woman,but I'm just a weak little girl 而且为什么有两个动词在一起 be is what在这句的开头是什 文中写道“月亮和太阳同时挂在天上”不尽附和生活情理,但读起来却令人感到可信,这是怎么回事 天上为什么会同时出现月亮和太阳是在8,9点的时候 太阳与月亮同时出现在天上是怎么回事?我在宁夏固原地区,在我们这每天早晨和傍晚时会在天上同时看到太阳与月亮,这是为什么?按理说地球是圆的,肯定有一个地方与我们这绝对对称,是不是 为什么天上只有一个太阳 一个月亮真有嫦娥吗 请英语高手来看一下Your friends were all worried over ______Your friends were all worried over _________you weYour friends were all worried over _________you were sick.A :whichB :the fact that 为什么不能选A直接理解为介宾结构的 Your friends were all worried over _________you were sick.A :that B :the fact that 我选的前者,答案是后者,后者为什么对?前者为什么不对?(请大侠详细说明,完全搞懂一个题是非常重要的) 比如无精打采应该用什么词语来代替 低着脑袋,无精打采.是哪个词 怎样做边缘性行为 these CDs are not hers.(改为同义句) You are w___ on the phone 求岳飞事例及感想.急求一个岳飞忧国忧民的思绪的事例及其感想! 岳飞的作品评论越多越好 人性和性有区别吗? 谈谈人性 比说人性恶 性善善良的人认为“性本善”,邪恶的人认为“性本恶”,无知的人认为“性无所谓善恶”,愚蠢的人认为“性,有时善,有时恶”,聪明的人认为“性,后天所习也,近善者善, 为什么兔子不通人性而小狗为什么就通人性呢 What's her f什么 name?It's Green have to do They --------never late for the--------(one) class in the morning He was late for class because he m_______ the first bus 横线处填什么? 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词:that is good f____ silly.快 what good is that? will not和were not缩写的读音一样吗? were not的缩写,急啊~~~~~~~~~~ 人格的多重性,求定义,英文的最好!the multiplicity of personality?