
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 11:55:58
这句话语法对不对All he did was make me learn some Chinese characters and do some dull reading.All you can do is wait until then.这两句是书上看到的.分析下语法,我觉得不对,但是是书上的,如果对的话是什么语法点. 请问这句话语法对不对?The heat transfers better among face contacted filler than among point contacted filler. 车从静止开始以1m/s^2的加速度前进,车后相距25米处与车行方向相同的某人同时以6m/s的速度匀速追车,求,人,车间的最小距离是多少?最好将你们的思路也搞下了啊,小弟在此感激不尽 帮忙看仨道英语题、莪都做好了、帮莪看壹下对错嘛~(D)1、I can't answer your questions because I know ______about the subject.A.few B.little C.a few D.a little(D)2、Either Peter or I____going to attend the computer club.A.is B.ar 20.某个由导电介质制成的电阻截面如图所示.导电介质的电阻率为ρ、制成内、外半径分别为a和b的半球壳层形状(图中阴影部分),半径为a、电阻不计的球形电极被嵌入导电介质的球心为一个 求英语六级真题及听力! 求翻译 tomorrow never comes before its too late 英语题求助 hurry~~~He is a man_____.Whenever I am in trouble,I turn to him for help.A.to be depended on B.depended on 请说明选择理由 谢谢不好意思 各位高手 答案是B 那个大虾真正懂 给解释一下 万分感谢 跪求全国100所名校单元测试卷示范卷必修一化学卷十四至十五的答案! I like July best 是不是要加the? 高中物理题为什么静电力做正功? The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside her knowing you can‘t have her. A .B .C 三点在同一直线上,AB:BC=1:2,B点位于A,B之间,在B处固定一电荷量为Q的点电荷,当在A处放一电荷量为+q的点电荷时,它所受的静电力为F;移去A处的电荷,在C处放一电荷量为-2q的点电荷,其所受 真空中有两个点电荷 其中a带正电电量为q1 固定在绝缘支架上 b带电量为q2用细线悬挂 两者静止并处于同一水平线 相距为r 静电力为k 求b收到的静电力 想提高一下自己的英语六级听力成绩,平时多听一下什么好呢?请朋友们推荐下这次考的六级成绩就亏在听力上面了 高中物理3-1静电力计算红圈的是怎么得到的? 一道英语单选We were all agreed that the cottage would ____ perfect holiday home for the family.为什么要用make而不用turn?比如说He turns teacher at last.这样的用法不适用此句?为什么可以说He turns teacher不能说the cott 英语单选一道After the six-party talk in Beijing,an agreement was reached _____ that North Korea would abandon ____nuclear weapons.A.stating; to develop B.stating; developing C.to state; to develop D.states,developing第二个是abandon+doing, 请问这句话从语法上看对不对?I appreciate that you give me a chance to learn about Chinese enterprises at a close distance.我不知道appreciate这样的用法对不对? 初中英语语法,所有的!重谢! 2008年全国2卷英语的单选和改错 英语翻译1.stand in a row___________________2.Do you often take with your friends ______ the phone?A:in B:on C:by D:from3.( )_____That's a picture in my bedroom.4.( )_____there is the ball under n..n.名词 因为试卷不清楚 1翻译 2单选 34 开学就高三了 ,想知道具体一点关于方法方面的. 8上英语 单选和改错一.单选1.I'm afraid he won't _______ me to the party.A.ask B.want C.call D.tell2.I want to work for my students _______.A.all my life B.whole me life C.my all life D.whole life3.Both of his parents died of illness so ____ 英语必修五 联系单选和单句改错 帮我看看这几句话对不对,语法上有没有错误Here is my idea about how a friend is like.If you tell him a secret ,never will he talks about it with anybody else.A friebd is always good listner when you need one. 这几句话的语法对不对?Tofu Pudding--- a soft,creamy soy custard,which is a popular snack in Asia.It is delicious either hot or cold.It both can be sweet or salt.Serve with green onion,sauce or just sugar. Tomorrow comes never. 初中英语语法练习题哪里找? 帮我看一下这个句子的语法对不对?1.This object applies points as hidden feature with its precondition proved.2.This object applies points as hidden feature with its precondition being proved.这两句那句对啊?说明下理由,这个wi 英语好的帮我看一下这句话在语法上对不对this directly contradicts what the reading passage indicates that dinosaurs are the warm-blooded animals. 英语!.对什么提问?how fast对什么提问?hou soon对?how often?英语!.对什么提问?how fast对什么提问?hou soon对?how often?how long?what time?when?how much time?how many times?