
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:57:04
他脸上充满着的那种自然而和谐的美,是我从来没有见过的.(缩句) 各位帮下忙, When we got to the scenic spot,they found everythinginteresting while I felt differently.这是一个单项选择题,为什么felt后面要填differently 而不是different? if you are doing something big ,never take it personally这是反恐24小时里面的一句台词, 英语翻译2.都用艺术和建筑表达着自己的美的思想3.从顶端看 there is.in the bag.they can't find to eat The police suspected him of carryingdrugs so they _____his bag ,but found nothing.A,searched for B,went through 王冕传和送东阳马升序中得到什么启示 《辛丑条约》签订后,日本就开始了在台湾长达50年的殖民统治.(判断对错,并说明理由)3.新中国成立后,正确处理人民内部矛盾成为国家政治生活的主题.(判断)4.解放战争时期人民军队转 1.《辛丑条约》签订后,日本就开始了在台湾长达50年的殖民统治.(判断对错,并说明理由) Can you____(find)the restaurant on the map?why? Don't take life too seriously ; no one gets out alive .是什么意思 ? never tabe life seriously.nobody gets out alive anyway 已知数列的通项公式an=n,则s5=多少 Many Americans find silence uncomfoetable during a dinner.so in the United States peopMany Americans find silence uncomfoetable during a dinner.so in the United States peop le of ten make \"small talk\"in certain social situations.small talk is about I find it interesting that Americans haveso many after-school clubs 把这句话变成从句另一种写法 Many Americans find slience uncomfortable during a dinner.的阅读翻译 我国南北方地区在粮食作物分布上成什么的格局 TEN YEARS LATER怎么样 日本侵略者在台湾的殖民统治历时()年. in ten years和for ten years的区别 Bangkok,the capital of Thailand ,()(know) as the"City of Angels". Their English teacher is fine.对 fine进行提问 He works in a bank ,but his h_ is building model boats. 《好风无处不在》阅读答案 泊秦淮为晚唐诗人杜牧所作,这是一首著名的----------诗 民国多少年台湾摆脱日本人的殖民统治,回归祖国怀抱 He is jim Brown (改为同义句)__ __is jim Brown. 阅读题一只驴子的自白本文的驴子其实是现实生活中的一个什么形象? Learning a foreign is necessary for us.同义句_____ ______for us _____ _____ a foreign language. 关于英语语法的几道题目(objective和nominative)The manager for two years has been (he/him).The new members of the store's staff are Greg and (she/her).It is (they/them) who will clean up at closing.The fastest worker,however,is (he/him) Make wiping out the enemy's effective strength our main objective.our main objective 主语可以这样被放在最后吗?如果把make去掉,需要做什么其它的改动吗?意思有变化吗? 找一首歌 是一个女的唱的 歌词里大概有this is my song oh~i want to say oh~这一句