
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:03:22
有两堆化肥,甲有85袋,乙有75袋,从乙堆拿出多少袋化肥放入甲堆后,甲是乙的3倍? 有两袋化肥,甲袋重90千克.从甲袋取出3分之1,从乙袋取出5分之2后,甲袋余下的化肥和乙袋余下的等.乙袋原有化肥多少千克? the book is my sister's.hemingway is( )favouite writer 括号里填什么 who is hewho is hewho is hewho is hewho is hewho is hewho is hewho is he Small-smaller-smallest 三个词一起造句怎么造? small造句越多越好 two-part species counterpoint什么意思 inspection是什么意思 后加地点时,怎么区分at 和in不要对我说小地点加AT大地点加IN,这我会,只是有时好像有些小地点也会用IN,我就是分不清这个 例如:My sister study in a university in Binjing It worries me that she won't eat anything. 在操场上用at 还是in ___worries me is ______we're going to pay for such an expensive meal A:it ;that B:that ;howC:what ; how D:as ; that 2) this painting is wonderful ,but ____we actually need it is a different matterA:that B:what C:whetherD:if 在某个地方,用in还是用at比如说在商店是用( )store? 在英语中,在什么什么队里用at in 沙漠分几种吗?塔克拉玛干是流动沙漠.还有不流动的沙漠吗?塔克拉玛干沙漠,和巴丹吉林沙漠 有什么不一样? 雅思考试口语part two 的题目和标题 tell me about a time when you helped someone whit a problem or difficulty一堆很2问题:what the problem or difficulty was who was having the problem or difficultywhether this is a common problem that 百慕达三角之迷解开了吗? 有的名言后面总是这么写! 在动物园用英语怎么说,是in还是at? 英语题:用in、for、at填空.急1.We have bags[ ]all colors[ ]20 dollars2.Can i have a look[ ]these blue socks?3.We have strawberries[ ]a very low price说清楚原因,谢谢! |英语|(在...方面)何时用IN何时用AT?He is an expert at troubleshooting.他是位排解争端的能手.He is lacking in courage.他缺乏勇气.请问什麽时候用in什麽时候用at?请再举些例子. 知荣辱树新风作文有关名言名句 知荣辱,树新风 的作文怎么写啊?急救! 假设今天是星期一,如果再过5n天时星期三,那么n最少等于多少 假设今天是星期一,如果再过了5的n次方天是星期三,那么n最少等于多少?( ) 什么叫“隔一天” 假设今天是星期一,那隔一天是星期三吗那假设现在是一点钟,隔一个小时是两点?那假设现在是1月1日,隔一个月是2月1日? 星期一的两天后是星期三,今天是星期四,请问64*60天后星期几? multiple receivers是什么意思 英语翻译英语的填词 错了 sorry 围绕“知荣辱、树新风、我行动、”的作文 知荣辱,树新风,我行动 作文该怎么写喃?开头怎么写?可以写记叙文吗?写一件什么事呢?ps:不要只写给我一篇作文.pps:不要抄袭. 《知荣辱,树新风,我行动》作文怎么写