
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 21:21:37
I hope___(find)a good job after I leave school. she changed her major from Chinese to Accounting ,____(hope) to find a good job 特急! 求求,特急 特急!有没有收养2014待产宝宝的我是辽宁铁岭这边的,我现在待产八个月了随时都有可能生,送养原因是自己还太小没有能力生他更没有能力养他,和男朋友也分手了,有没有好心人收养我的宝宝, 有一块三角形铁片ABC,BC=12cm,高AH=8cm有一块三角形铁片ABC,BC=300px,高AH=200px,按下(1)、(2)两种设计方案把它加工成一块矩形铁片DEFG,且要求矩形的长是宽的2倍,为了减少浪费,加工成的矩形铁 形容熟练的词语 如果一个长方形的长和宽各增加4厘米后,面积增加了85平方厘米,求原长方形的周长.——{X-LI留 长方形的周长是20cm,现在将其长和宽各增加4cm,面积增加了多少平方厘米?列出算式 详细点 首字母填空:-You can't find a job easily without enough k( ) in the future There are many books on the s( )in his study.Skiing is interesting.It looks e( ) Many t( ) have visited the Great Wall -Do you enjoy lisiting to m( -Yes,i often listen t 一个长方形,长和宽都增加5厘米,面积增加85平方厘米.求原长方形的周长 形容书背得流利熟练的词语急用! 英文找错 急 10个错an american and a frenchman dicided to cross the sea between france and england in the balloon in 1784.high over the water,they discover the water,they discover a ole in the balloon.the balloon became bigger and bigger .the a 英语翻译But the innovation diffusion models used in previous research studies conducted in the construction management literature are excessively restrictive.这段这么翻译啊? 科技文英汉互译 1We can't do the job well( )your help,1We can't do the job well( )your help,2Would you mind ( )the door?It's cold outside.3Watching a comedy can ( ) 4Mr .Chen is a good teacher .Everyone liked( ) 5.jim usually does homework very 按顺序排列词语(从大到小):浙江 江南 中国 亚洲 世界 将下列词语按一定的顺序排列.芜湖 中国 亚洲 安徽 新芜区 以you can find your dream job via the internet为题的一篇英语作文 He can't finish the job without your help.改为同义句.He_____ only finish the job______ your help. something is wrong with my car.同义句能不能这样表达:anything isn't wrong with my car .要说为什么 -----wrong with the motor,he stopped his car.AFeeling something go BHaving felt something goneC Feeling something gone 非常熟练很有把握形容的是哪一个4字词语 带“手”字的词中形容熟练的词是_____. P(A)若|A|=m,|B|=n,则 |AB|=mn what could be so important that he didn't even see me sit next to him? there's something wrong with my watch.的否定句 there isn't anything wrong with my watch.there's nothing wrong with my watch.这两个否句都对吗? There is something wrong with my watch.It needs f___ May Be I Love You Gril Friends什么意思 It may be in possible that she will be my girl friend.请各位高手帮我看看这句话有什么错误吗? May I become girl your friend ? 翻译的对吗?打错了是 may i become your girlfriend? as I didn't do extremely well in the interview,I got close ( )the position .I was lucky.a.to be offered b.to not being offeredc.to being offered d.not to be offered答案给的是b,但是我觉得按照理解应该是c,根据后面的我很幸运判