
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:06:34
《男儿当自强》是谁写的?作者是谁. This book will be of great _____ to you in your studies.A) effect 影响、效果 C) appreciation 欣赏B) value 价值 D) sincerity 真诚做题思路:of + 名词=等于该名词的形容词形式这个解题思路森么理解呢?麻烦详解下 I don't speak english or I not speak english 是否正确?WHY? This book will be _____ to the students of English.A of great value B of great valuableC great valueD of very value (有关历史)如果没有萨拉热窝事件,一战会爆发吗?(快啊!急用!)请说明理由,谢谢! I'm at home 对at home提问. I tasted some oranges on thefarm. 改成一般疑问句.急! My computer doesn't work -.could you give me a help?Sorry,l`m not -at it.为甚麽填 well good my father is always busy and often --- ---(回来)home late 林则徐做出了哪些贡献? 简介林则徐对鸦片战争的贡献(600字) My father is busy .He always ____home late A.arrived B.gets C.gets to D.arrives at 为什么是B My father is always busy ( ) his car at home A:wash B:to wash C:washing再问两个问题 1:How ( ) it is to play the piano!A:fun B:funny C:funs 2:I can speak Enlish very well.(对划线部分提问) 划线部分:very well 林则徐对中国的贡献 将 There is will while there is way 改写成状语从句,并列句 my car didn't work yesterday,so I had to take a taxi to work i____ They are all having a good time 跪求一个近代历史人物的事迹与评价,最好是李鸿章的,急!一千字,关于李鸿章正面的评价! 对李鸿章这一历史人物的再评价 英语翻译你不舒服么?英语怎么说> 不舒服用英语咋说 翻译成英语:1.你认为呢,… 2.你很快就会好起来的 3.你怎么了?你哪里不舒服二.介词填空How do I get__the zoo? 2.Walk__Green Road.Turn left__the firt crossing. Then walk__Park street.The zoo is next__the station. 3.Take 为什么说第萨拉热窝事件是第一次世界大战的导火索要求简介明了 你胃还疼吗?英语口语些, 1.We are having a good time,(what)2.They arebeautiful flowers,(what)改感叹句. How many pear would you like?谁会修改? 译How much would you like to order 历史问题, 美国诞生这一课里面的.经_、欧洲移民及_的共同开发,促进了英属北美的知名地经济的发展. 美国是怎么成立要说明原土著是谁,没有叫美国之前叫什么?由谁统治的?怎么被殖民了?被谁殖民了?又怎么成立的美国?成立的时候美国有多大? In order to gain a bigger share ,many companies are striving__their products more competitive.(A)to make(B)making(C)to have made(D)having made Nowadays more and more senior three students are getting stressed in their study.In order to find Nowadays more and more senior three students are getting stressed in their study.In order to find out effective ways to release the stress ,a survey was Students in our schoor are encouraged to ( )more activities after class in order to broaden their konwledge1 attend 2 join 3 take part 4 particpate in -how are you getting on with your classmates?- ___I've got to know them allA Far better B Much pleased C Very comfortable D Very goodthe answer is A,give me the reason and translate it,thanks