
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:55:36
怎样在PDF文件上用金山词霸的屏幕抓词功能翻译英语单词? 金山词霸怎么在pdf中划词? 首字母填空Cars are lots of Cars are lots of fun,but they could also ba dangerous.We have to be c___ when we drive them or ride in them.It's always a good i____to put on your seat belt when you"re in a car.Why?Think about this example :You put an lots of please promise me,you will not cheat on me,ever 4ever 谁有朗文新概念英语1-2的mp3或者视频呀,能给我发一份吗谢谢啦~~~ 阅读时遇到不认识的字,应该用什么方法查字典?为什么? 读书时遇到有的字不认识,不理解,有时光查字典不行,还要() 我碰到不认识的字,可以查字典和()? she me teaches dance to often连词成句 如果遇到不认识的字,也很难确定部首,就可以用( )查字法查字典 新概念英语第二册朗文出版社的test11至test15是测试卷 录音机用英语怎么说 录音机的快进和快退用英语怎么说 李玟的"玟"字怎么打出来?我查字典根本没这个字我打拼音WEN没有(智能和全拼都没有),是不是我这套字模老了? 有尊佛名.常在佛祖左右.佛号是一个门字里面有个众字,查字典查不到.这个字怎么读,有什么含义?门字里面一个众字. 查字典 上面是乃,下面是小这个字怎么打上面是乃,下面一个小.这个字怎么念 “囝”,这个字你们不查字典能读出正确的读音吗? mean后可以直接加名词吗 mean的名词是什么?要单词.英文单词! mean后是加动名词吗?Shyness means ____nervous.A.being B.feel C.feeling 查字典,理解关键字的意思《读书之法》 关于《Do You Hear the People Sing》的语法问题1、在"It is a music of a people who will not be slaves again"中为什么是"a people"?2、"Who will be strong and stand with me"是单独的问句还是"Will you join in our crusade"的修饰? no matter how 和however的区别,它们可以通用吗? 她的心已不属于我 英文怎么说 这句话对吗?It wasn’t easy for me to answer the questions that was asked by the teacher. no matter how 和 however 开头用倒装吗? .it's easy to understand 还是.it's easy to understand it 行作笔 心当墨 是什么意思? No matter how与However区别 no matter how,howeveri've already told you that i'm going to buy it,( ).用no matter how it costs还是however much it costs啊,这是非限制性定语从句吗?怎么选啊 x-cycling怎么读?要有音标.急用