
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:26:46
Two teachers teach at the same school.One is the mother of the other'son.What relation are they to ach other?Two teachers teach at the same school.One is the mother of the other'son.What relation are they to each other? 一句话.回邮件用(中译英)谢谢你的提醒.我将再次检查我们的旧记录,并确认所有价格为最新更新的价格.周一前完成. 中译英一句话:抱歉,这么迟才(发邮件)回复你----这句, 《聊斋志异之崂山道士》中所体现的浪漫主义特色. 崂山道士的寓意和感悟200字,我要急用.是聊斋志异里的 蚁能组什么词 聊斋志异的白话文 同学做早操,排成4对多1人排成五对少1人以知五甲班人数在45-60之间.五甲班有多少人 He LiKes his students and they Like him,too的同义句? He loves his students and they respect him 译成中文意思? 填上表示看的意思的词语(1)人们漫步于西湖白堤,()着风景如画的美景.(2)宇航员在太空遨游时,()地球,发出无限感慨.(3)我打开电脑,快速()了一下邮件.(4)他用()的目光扫 填上表示“看”的意思的词语1,人们乘舟荡漾在西湖上,( )着如画的美景,心旷神怡.2,陈毅的塑像刚刚完成,来(    )的人就很多.3,这里的书太多了,稍微(     )一下,就得花半 歌词中貌似有 i want to know.i like to know.男生唱的 想提高成绩初二寒假生活作息表81 满分10093 满分100英语:78 满分10077 满分100 英语翻译8点~9:30 起床起床~10点 刷牙洗脸、吃早饭10点~12点 12点~12:45 吃午饭12:45~13点 休息13点~15点 15点~16点 休息16点~17:45 17:45~18:30 吃晚饭18:30~19点 休息19点~20点 20点~22:15 休息22:15 睡觉 I can forgive so many mistakes I have done . I'm sorry I can't go there,I have so many_____(chore)to do today. they could't have achieved so much.so much是副词吗 科学:平时排队做早操时,用什么方法判断队伍是否整齐? we have so many kinds of guitars for you to ----- A choose B choose from说明为什么 We have many patterns for you to choose from?choose后为什么要加from? is,healthy,it,food and drink,to have,important,(连词成句) Meat and fish___ healthy food.A.is B.are 选哪个? Thanks for giving this beautiful scarf?me问号处填介词,急 i also ___ many beautiful presents 选择 1.get 2.got 3.have 4.getting Thanks a lot for gibing u so many beautiful postcards. 怀孕流黄色液体的原因老婆怀孕2月了,从一个月时就开始流黄色的液体,吃了一周的千金保孕丸,没效果,后打黄体酮两天见到了鲜血,接着打黄体酮和绒促性素五天,其间有效果,但是还是有少量 工作经历怎样写 Meat,vegetables and friuit are healthy food.的中文意思 Are meat and fish healthy food?这句话对吗meat和Fish都是不可数名词,为什么要用are 小学六年纪生活作息表我早上要7:00到校,中午12:50到家,晚上6:00到家我晚上9:30睡觉 ,最好像个表格清楚点 .. 128克铜含有多少原子