
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:29:34
南京新东方的中口怎么样? 英译汉 比较复杂的句子Here it is not clear that the principles were stated in the form reported by the researchers or whether researchers labeled certain statements as derivatives of what they themselves considered principles of teaching. 怎样读古文观止要有收获,不要走马观花.我的目标是基本了解古文句式,有一定古文基础.可以简单的运用文言文.哪一个版本的古文观止好呢?便于高中生阅读的?怎么没人回呢 定义在R上的函数y=f(x)是偶函数的必要条件是f(-x)/f(x)=1为什么是假命题 定义在R上的函数f(x)为增函数,命题P函数y=f(x)+f(-x)在R上是偶函数且导函数为增函数,命题Q函数y=-f(x)+f(-x)是R上的减函数且导函数为偶函数,问P,Q为真命题还是假命题,为什么 we are still young.we've got plent of time.we are still young.so we've got plent of time.这句话语法对吗?我们还年青,因此我们还有很多时间. 《告别陋习,走向文明》的前言30字左右 古文观止中的止是什么意思? I've got a big present.(对a big present划线提问) we've got you a present这句话的翻译是什么?have got sb sth=have got sth for sb 这个词组什么意思 古文观止中“观止”是什么意思? What can you do for me 是什么歌? 英语翻译从“至和元年秋,蜀人传言.皆再拜稽首曰:然.” 与南拳妈妈what can i do风格类似的歌如题,必须是国语,附歌词.. 麻烦给一个(what can i do 南拳妈妈) 这首歌能在空间播放的地址,一定要可以听的.尽快, drove the bus straight at the thieves.这句话里的straight什么词性?修饰什么的?高手进 straight.join voice 词性意思是什么 求关于please所有有关的变形及解释 the plan was to bring him (straight) here.问straight 词性?The plan was to bring him (straight) here.请问straight 是什么词性,修饰哪个词的?另外这个句子是什么句型呢? 关于please的适当形式.求方法.什么pleased咯、pleasure这类的.请举例说明下词性和用法. 请用名词性从句的主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句各造一个句.要简单一点. 什么的风光 写词语 填合适的词:什么的风景 多愁善感林黛玉悲葬花下联是什么 写风光诗句 找了老师补语法,老师说补来不及了,就每次给我讲一些题,可我是语法盲,每次选择题下来错一片,那个补课老师还不紧不慢的又开始给我讲语法,每次就照着语法书给我念2条,根本没用.真的来不 我现在是高三,零基础学英语,高一高二英语一直是50分(满分150分),现在准备从背3500开始,可是效果不好,有谁有经历有经验的能否帮帮忙,出出主意? Sorry I really have hard time to send message in Chinese to you. Have lot to say to you but tim...Sorry I really have hard time to send message in Chinese to you. Have lot to say to you but time is always so short. Miss you a lot and the sweet memor I really have hard time to When she saw herself in the front of the mirror,her eyes shone and soon her face lost it's color. she looked_____(sad)at the book and the teacher found the_____(sad)on her face 填字组词:()()风光,()()景物