
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:28:07
丽萨几乎从不九点以后去睡觉 英文翻译 zhang jun heng (男) 取个英文名? 丽萨英文什么意思 英语翻译Lisa likes ____ ______. 我叫刘中森 给我取个谐音或好听的英文名(最好是谐音的) This is a book 的问句初一的水平奥打得好给多分奥 My English is so bad,canyou help me? 爱情公寓3里有一个句子,第一集的,我记得是一个排比句, he will water the plants( in a minute )就花括号部分提问( )()()he water the plants? Mike will come if you invite him.Mike() come () you invite him. Have you ____(water) the plants? -Not ,yet,I ___ (do) it in a minute.速度回答有分 He will come__you ask him. A.whether B.unlessHe will come__you ask him. A.whether B.unless C.if D.while be动词与实意动词有什么区别,为什么动词疑问句要加助动词 在疑问句中 怎么判断实意动词用不用加助动词do? my dog and I finished our waik and ieft the parkmy dog and I finished our waik and ieft the park翻译成汉语 i waik to the park () sunday morning 我拿什么拯救你我的孩子 英语怎么说? 时间状语从句中能再出现时间状语吗?e.g.I'll go home when he sends her to her school every day.“every day”还要吗? we have a pop concert each year.(改为一般疑问句) ( )( )( )a pop concert each year? join our basketball club的join要不要加ing 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空说明为什么要这样填6.please join our(swim)club baby one and one is two .and the one is you. we have English day (in july)提问 动物的眼神 刘向东 1.本文的线索是什么?以什么为顺序2.在作者笔下,下列动物的眼神有怎样的特征?请用简练语言概括(1)开展前的孔雀:(2)吃草时的狍子:(3)动物园中的鸟:3.在文章 刘向东的《白鹭去哪了》 乡下的房后是片农田,几年前因修筑高速公路取土,使它成了一片水塘.后来有人养鱼又拓宽了塘的面积,它又成了碧波粼粼的人工湖.因其形似月亮,我叫它月亮湖. 动物的眼神 阅读题动物以其睁大的眼睛凝望世界.它们适应自然,顺应自然,没有主体要求,遵循自然的本能生活,与大自然的节律是同构的,浑然不可分的,出没于白昼黑夜,如同自然自身的呼吸.它 Thw table is ______(two) bigger than that one. 她可以成为我们艺术俱乐部的一员.She can ()()our art club. be in… (She can be in the art club.) I usually follow intructions and obey rules的意思 ls it _____eraser obey the rules =什么