
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:53:08
Did you go to Shanghai by( )plane?No,Iwent there on( )train.A./;a B./;/ Have you decided___to Wuhan?Yes,I'll go there by train.It's much cheaper than by planeA when to go b how to go c where to go d whom to go 仿佛的同义词近义词越多越好……什么好像啊什么的…… 你完整了我(英文翻译) 寻求完美英语翻译简单的我知道但是并不会用漂亮的句子来翻译,所以请高手帮我翻译下以下两个句子:1.我很喜欢英语,就像我很爱我的妻子,却不能控制她.2.爱由一个微笑开始,用一个吻来成 改同义句 To travel by train is much more comfortable and enjoyable. 1.To travel by train is much____(cheap)and far more enjoyable than a rushed trip by air.2.____(cut) down the tree for Christmas at the farm is a lot of fun.3.The children were taking and laughing _______(noise)when Mrs .Brown came in.4.Oh,it smells l 英语翻译我在心里想,我在再也不想游泳了,我得嘴紫了,牙都互相碰 英语中有很多单词都有两种发音,该读哪种呢?比如说watch啊,your啊(它居然有三个!),应该读哪个啊?苦恼死了!我学得是美式发音,看得也是美音音标 金字塔用英文怎么读(发音) 如果日本译成假盼,那South Korea-韩国该译成什么呢? 含有同义词的成语或词语 带有同义词的成语有哪些 含有两个同义词的成语像左顾右盼,天诛地灭,冷嘲热讽. 带有同义词的成语越多越好 社会主义与国家资本主义的区别? 2012年伦敦奥运会球列比赛项目的英文名称是:运动项目的英文名称!是这样的:踢足球( )、打网球( )、打篮球( )、打排球( )、打乒乓球( )和打棒球(           ) You didn't use to travel by plane ,did youNo,but now as a businessman,I____to flying one country to anther .A.am already usedB.have already used问:为什么不是B? 奥运会各个比赛项目的英文说法? 几内亚湾沿岸面积最大的国家是? 《再见了,亲人》中,选一件朝鲜人民为志愿军战士做的事,写一篇小故事,(以大娘,小金花大嫂)急需~一定要展开想象. 英语连词成句to with by travel I would like plane my friends would you like to travel in space 英语作文8行字 连词成句:to,with,by,travel,I,would,like,plane,my,friends. 初二英语填空:would you like to travel a____? to,with,by,travel,l,would,Like,plane,my,Friends.连词成句 国家资本主义 奥林匹克运动会比赛项目的英文名称 what should we do before we travel by plane快一点吧 What should we do before meals?What should we doWhat should we do before meals?What should we do every day if we want to be strong and healthy? What should we do before we go to bed?该怎么回答开头要We should 用朝鲜人民的口气仿写"再见了 亲人"