
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:52:26
南海市在哪个省啊 歌曲中含有TO DO :TO BE DONE :TO HAVE BEEN DONE :TO HAVE DONE是班主任让查的, even heaven is hell without 科学与技术的区别 was/were supposed to do 和is/are supposed to have done是一样的意思吗?You are supposed to have met me here You were supposed to meet me here be supposed to 和should have doneWAS SUPPOSED TO表示应该做某事而未做WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO表示不应做某事却做了SHOULD HAVE DONE 表示因该做某事而未做SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE表示不应做某事却做了WAS SUPPOSED TO表示应 was supped to do 和 is supposed to have done的区别,他两个小时前就该来了,应该用哪个句型,期待权威的回答,因为要参加高中考试 三亚的美称known as a big natural hot house ,怎么翻译 even more 和very在用法上到底有什么区别? 科学和技术的不同 黄历上说忌出行是什么意思 皇历里面“忌”栏中有时写“诸事不宜”是什么意思? 黄历上的宜和忌分别是什么意思宜;下面的什么事是都能做是吗?忌;下面的什么事最好不要做是吗? 老黄历上说的忌赴任是什么意思 you are/were supposed to have本应该用 were 还是arebe supposed to have done 翻译成本应该不是问be supposed to do这个我懂 正确形式填空:Please keep them ____(close).请说明原因,急 Tell TOM to open the window(改为否定句) Tell Tom ( )( ) open the window 正确形式填空:Please keep them ____(close).请说明原因 nothing in the world Without You 什么意思? I need nothing Except.U谢谢帮忙翻译下 电子科学与技术与电子信息科学与技术哟什么区别啊? Where your sister (teach)English?My grandpa (come)tonight.Tell him (not look)out of the window.He finished(read)the book and passed it to her.--It's very important (learn)all the subjects well.--There's a watch(lie)on the ground,--It took mr two hour be supposed to do sth与should have done sth 有什么区别? Tell Tom not to look out of the window,will you?或Tell Tom not to look out of the window,will he?哪个对? I tell my brother ( )(not look)out of the window in class.填什么 1What time___ we ___(meet) tomorrow 2Tell him ____(not look) out of the window “馀事勿取”是什么意思 I prefer to play football.I prefer playing football. i prefer (playing) football.有prefer doing的形式吗 loveing the sky without wings 斜面和滑轮都是杠杆的变形吗 定滑轮是一个变形的___杠杆