
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:23:02
你觉得哪句骂人的句子更厉害 为什么中国历史上都是由北向南统一,只有明朝是由南向北统一? 为什么中国古代统一都是由北向南的?为什么中国古代统一都是由北向南~OK~俺要具体的原因~ 有没有初中英语词汇题,我要100道,就是答案写在题中,并且用圈或线标记出来的! 在中国历史上,向来都是由北向南统一中国,但也有例外,你能举出两次由南向北统一中国的事例吗?注意:除北伐战争以外 纵观中国历史,好象从北向南容易打,而从南向北打好象只有朱元章和蒋介石胜利外国侵略也是一样,首先占领北方,南方就好打多了 哈楼英文怎么打 Most people have red faces and talk in broken sentences when they are shy.翻译 有谁知道用古文或文雅内涵的句子骂人呢主要要显出`那个人是吃里爬外``闲事无聊爱惹事``还很木有良心``素质极为差的人``不带脏话哦 `` 翻译 But one thing most of us agree on is that true friendships seem to happen when people havesomething in common . Perhaps we see a part of ourselves in our friends . Maybe seeing the good in them helps us to see the good in us as well.(这三句 You know most of the American people have got itchy feet.怎么翻译? 翻译句子:昨天每人都积极参加了这个运动会. 像中国这样听自己国家的语言都像外语的国家还有哪些我意思是听中国上古时期那时候的古语 所有的学生都将积极参加这次运动会怎么翻译 英语是否威胁中国语言文化? 请英语好的同学帮忙把这句话翻译成正确的英语,谢谢啦不管有没有人爱,我也要努力做一个可爱的人.不埋怨谁,不嘲笑谁,也不羡慕谁,阳光下灿烂,风雨中奔跑,做自己的梦,走自己的路. 古文中的“布衣”是什么意思? Today is friday,What day will it be 100 days from now一定要对的. The day comes befre Friday.What day is it today? 文言文 单项选择.1:-Tomorrow is Tuesday.What day is today?-Todayis( )A:Wednesday.B:Friday.C:Monday.2:Today is ( ).I have computer and P.E.today.I like ( )A:Thursday.B:Sunday.C:Thursdays.3:--What do you do on weekends?----I often watch( )A:books.B:TV.C:ho A:what day is it today?B:it's Friday.A:1_____________?B:They are having a politics class.A:2_________?B:The class begins at 8o'clock.A:3_________?B:it's over at a quarter to eleven.A:4_________?B:They have it three times a week,A:__________.B:They 骂女人用的话要经典 不脏的 对付女人用的 People would go to ask him ------ advice when they have problems.填介词 “卖批女人”是什么意思,是骂人的话吗? people here have to take this bus when they go out.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) 给点骂女人的话RTRTRTRTRT谁说我是男的 帮我翻译一下:Many people have favorite places they like to go to when they are feeling sad or bore liping is twelve years old,but he has only three birthdays.why? The baby is three months old.It has only a little____.A,teeth.B,jobs.C,rules.D,hair 找出下面错误并改正 what day is it tomorrow? 改错(每句一处错):What day it is tomorrow?