
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 21:33:09
merge into / integrate into 的区别 integrate with the world market是什么意思 computers of different makes that integrate with each otherof different后无名词 咋能这样,make that变成从句了?没见过这样的句,请讲讲结构 英语翻译麻烦还有这句,as well as to keep them busy so that they do not choose to get into trouble 如何理解感性认识与理性认识的相互关系? 水泵电费计算.在线等家里用三个水泵.都是24小时开着的,两个三合一水泵.都是12w.还有一个低水位4w.加起来28w,电费一个月0.56.现在问一个月多少电费,我妈非得讲一个月要30.40请各位大神解答, 如何理解感性认识和理性认识的辩证统一 下列能统治我国江南地区A、黄帝 B、西周 C、夏 D、商 Perhaps no longer belong to us Tomorrow you no longer belong to me,but I still afraid to lose you! I no longer have to do without I was thinking about something else-What do you think of my suggestion?-Sorry.What's that?I about something elseA,thought B,was thinking C,am thinking D,had thought请说明原因 在恒温恒压条件下,能使可逆反应A(g)+B(g) C(g)+D(g)正反应速率瞬间增大的措施是( )A.增大D的浓度 B.增大A或B的浓度B当然是对的.请问为什么不能选A?随便是真 朋友:增大D的浓度>>逆反应速率加 The sun is belong to you.you belong to me. 英语翻译 Let us thinking about the food.(改错) Let's think about the food.怎么翻译! 4.( )let's think about the food.4.( )let's think about the food. 5.( )does your mothu like ice-cream about,food,the,think,let,for,us,your,birthday,dinner,连词成句如果有两种答案请整理好, 皇家马德里队徽上的F是什么意思 什么时候用the others,什么时候用others gute gute什么意思 恒温,恒容,可逆反应A=B+C,通入A正反应与逆反应哪个速率大?平衡向哪个方向移动? People's square is known as ' the center of shanghai' 一般疑问句 the others和others的问题,英语好的进Some of us like singing and dancing,others go in for sports.和Two boys will go to the zoo,and the ohers will stay at home.我觉得这些都是在一范围内的,不是都应该用the others吗? rlc串联电路,R=4欧姆,感抗XL=6欧姆,容抗XC=3欧姆,电源电压=70.7sin(314t+60度)V. 吃过期果冻会中毒吗?过期果冻会发生怎样的化学变化? 求教高手翻译下,the co-location of transceivers是什么意思啊? the location of...造句 another、other、others、the other和the others的区别.麻烦速度一点,清晰一点,明天就考试了(/ □ \) other,the other的用法和区别 还有others和the others区别 要有例子 清晰点喔