
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 15:09:07
old give the none the their passengers of on to bus the seats man l连词成句 passengers wishing to buy train tickets from january 1,2012 on will have to show identification a____ the country Mrs Smith 翻译中文 求教:Mrs Smith's kitchen这句怎么读?尤其是“'s”怎么发音?我听着里老外把's读的象“瓷”音,所以我感到奇怪,因为's的读音规则和名词复数的读音规则是一样的,应该读“丝”音,为什么老外把's 求教:Mrs Smith's kitchen这句怎么读?尤其是“'s”怎么发音? Two years (has) passed since we began studying English 请问为何不用Have Five years has passed since we met last .为什么不用have passed? Twenty years has passed since he left home.此句中的has要改成have吗?如果不要,为什么? Fifteen years have passed since we graduated.I have found she has a few white hairs.few white hairs 为什么头发要用复数啊,她不是不可数吗? 我要陪你走到世界的尽头用英语怎么说 如果孙中山的革命果实不被窃取,现在中国会怎样发展,求一篇2000字左右论文明说了吧,这算是个作业,实在想不起来怎么写了,希望各位尽量帮下忙,给点提示什么的也行 “You do not know ,do not know I have always,always love you has not changed”啥意思“You do not know ,do not know I have always,always love you has not changed”中文是什么意思? 英语翻译In the event that any provision of this license agreement,or any part thereof,is found invalid or unenforceable,the remainder of this license agreement will be construed to the extent possible as if the invalid or unenforceable provision 六、选择填空()4.---Good morning,Miss White.---____,Mr Black.A.Nice to meet you.()4.---Good morning,Miss White.---____,Mr Black.A.Nice to meet you.B.How do you do?C.Good morning()5.---What's your name?---____Li Xiaoming.A.My B.It's C 亲情作文怎么写啊 要记叙文 事例一定要清楚 快啊 急需实在不行的话 不用写开头和结尾 直接写事例就行了 快啊 英语口语锻炼有哪些好方法 A:good morning,miss wang._! _li. 翻译:Good morning,Miss Li. Miss Li:Good 1 ,class Students:Good morningMiss Li:Good 1 ,classStudents:Good morning,teacher!Miss Li:2 are you,zhangMin?Zhang Min:I'm OK,3 And you?Miss Li:4 fine,too.在对话的空格中填上适当的单词! Miss Wang and Mr.Li( )good根据句意,选单词填空.nice ,weicome ,are ,this ,fine ,bye ,thank 海洋有哪些贝壳,一定要关于海洋的.我们要做一个生物PPT.打算做贝壳.请大家告诉我几种海洋贝壳,我要做详细介绍.可以从哪几方面入手,都有些什么特点、不要太专业的术语、、【最主要就是 用上大海,波浪,美丽,贝壳这些词语,写一段话.50字以内. 海贝壳怎么养从海边捡回一个整的贝壳,回来后发现它居然是活的,好像是蛤喇之类的东西,该怎么养啊?用食盐配盐水的话比例应该是多少?还有能喂它吃什么? 上午上了半天的课外班 下午除了写作业还是写作业 英文怎么说? 孙中山成立同盟会的宗旨是什么 孙中山中国同盟会的核心是什么? 孙中山 同盟会~及乙巳之秋,集合全国之英俊而成立革命同盟会于东京之日,吾始信革命大业可及身儿成矣于是乃敢定立中华民国之名称而公布于党员,使之各回本省鼓吹革命主义,而传布中华民 1.Lili and i are friends.2.Miss Mao says,'good morning,everyone!' 改错.把改正后的句子写下来. good morning miss jones English is a [ ](use) language. English is a_____(use)language 适当的形式填空 大海一天涨几次潮水